Why Do Some People Stress Eat?

I’m sure you’ve heard of people snacking more during finals week, and how some dining halls even stay open later during that week. Maybe this is because of midnight snacking from late night study sessions, but it could also be due to the stress that finals week causes. Personally, when there is a big event in the near future that is important for me to be physically fit for or look my best, (prom, 5k run, dance competition, etc.) or that is just stressful in general, like finals week, I find myself eating more, but also more of unhealthy foods. So what causes me to feel the need to binge eat junk food during the times when it matters most that I am healthy? Is this all psychological?



Scientists have found that we crave rich foods during times of high stress. It’s our bodies way of giving us a little break. If we’ve been working and studying hard, following a strict diet regimen and exercising, possibly for a big event that’s coming up, this eating pattern could subconsciously be a way for our body to allow us to cheat, and therefore, tricking you into thinking you’re relaxed. So when you’re put in a situation of high stress for long periods of time, comfort foods really do become just that- comfort. This article speaks about how when you’re intensely stressed out for long periods of time, your energy levels drop, and stress eating foods high in sugar and fat are an attempt to regain that form of energy that can be gained quickly by the sugar and carbs. 



This Helpguide talks about the difference between emotional eating and physical hunger. It mentions that emotional hunger comes on suddenly, needs to be satisfied instantly, isn’t satisfied with a full stomach, and craves comfort foods such as greasy, fatty, and sugary foods. The article also talks about how to identify your triggers if you have this problem in order to try and fix it. Nervous energy can also be a cause of the problem. Anxiety, especially in social situations, can lead people to stuff their mouths more than they normally would. “Many people, out of nervousness or boredom, just munch on chips or drink soda to give their mouths something to do.”



A research team at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, PA conducted a study to discover the molecular mechanisms behind stress eating. They found that there is a link between periods of high stress, hormone levels, and how much junk food people eat. The hormones known as glucocorticoids are activated during periods of high stress, which is the reason your taste buds crave sugary foods. “Just because the Monell researchers found that stress-induced sweet cravings may be initiated by hormones doesn’t mean that they can’t be controlled. If you find yourself craving sweets as a tactic for dealing with stress, try turning to healthy sugars, particularly those found in fresh fruits.”



Many people cope with stress differently. Now that scientists have ruled out that hormones and stress can cause some people to have cravings, we know that emotional eating is real. Some people eat during periods of negative stress, and others eat during eustress, or positive stress. Either way, if this is a concern to you, there are always ways to maintain stress and emotional eating, and the more aware of it you are, the better you are able to manage it.



3 thoughts on “Why Do Some People Stress Eat?

  1. Daniel Liam Cavanaugh

    This was a good topic to choose because most of us know the correlation but do not understand what the connection is between stress and eating. It’s interesting how we subconsciously choose what our bodies want, almost like we don’t have a choice over what we eat in these situations. The link between hormones and hunger for junk food seems to make sense and the link with boredom is definitely true. I know that sometimes when people have nothing to do, they eat because of the slight pleasure involved. For me, I actually tend to eat less when I’m stressed. There have been studies that attribute stress to weight loss. How do people lose weight from stress when they eat more? That would be a great topic for your next blog and one that I would be interested to read. Here is a good source for that topic if you want to go with it.

  2. Dongyuan Li

    Hi, this is an interesting topic. I really think it depends on different people. I eat less when I feel stressful. Somehow I really easy to be full and hard to digest as much food as before. Your blog quote some research results from other articles which is good. I think it will be more perfect if add scientific observation trials done on this topiv. Besides, I think people always eat very fast during final week in order to save time. Eating too fast is really harmful for body. It is not good for digestion and makes us easily gain weight. At the University of Rhode Island, researchers examined how eating speed affected the early stages of digestive processing by observing 60 young adults eat a meal.
    Slow eaters consumed 2 ounces of food per minute.Here is the likn we will learn more.

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