Can Science Recreate the Paranormal?

Throughout history and present within our contemporary popular culture, the idea of the existence of a paranormal dimension persists. Before we begin to really dissect and construct an experiment, however, it’s important to define what exactly the paranormal entails. For many, the paranormal entails a dimension of phenomena that simply cannot be explained by science. Quintessential paranormal activity, for example, would include hauntings and the perception of ghostly presences. For our purposes, we are going to restrict our scope of the term paranormal simply to the presence of ghostly phenomena. However, I digress. Is it possible to recreate ghostly experiences? Are paranormal experiences primarily a reaction to forces little understood yet easily explained? Is there any possible way that we, as a scientific diet, could test the hypothesis that paranormal activity is merely the result of the body’s reaction to various atmospheric, environmental, or biological factors?


In order to enforce a clinical approach and hue to the study we wish to complete, I believe that there are a few variables that would have to be held constant in order to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that ghostly apparitions can indeed be recreated by available devices. One variable I would hold consistent would be the environment. I would conduct the experiment in a clean, uncluttered environment with a clinical and stoic decor. So often, people associate ghostly apparitions with disheveled and decrepit environments.


Seeing as ghostly apparitions often are reported to elicit a physical reaction, an observational study where certain subjects are exposed to a range of physical stimuli, and other subjects would be exposed to another set of stimuli, and, finally, a control group would be introduced to the environment and would be offered the same devices, but without any physical stimuli.

I have plenty of confidence that paranormal activity such as ghostly apparitions can be explained through various scientific channels. Already, scientists have found evidence that sounds registering in flow frequencies between 7 and 19 Hz can induce fear within an individual, and, in my opinion, fear is the commonality that unites all paranormal phenomena. However, perhaps the scary encounters are more inexplicable than I would like to believe.