IQ or intelligence quotient is a score derived from one of several standardized tests which assess the human intelligence which is what the whole point of an IQ test is for. Human intelligence is the intellectual capacity for of humans. With intelligence, humans are able to learn new information, form concepts, apply logic, recognize patterns, problem solve, decision making, and using language to communicate. Robert Sternberg is an American psychologist, psychometrician and professor at Cornell University. Sternberg defines human intelligence as “your skill in achieving whatever it is you want to attain in your life within your sociocultural context by capitalizing on your strengths and compensating for, or correcting, your weaknesses”.
The abbreviation of IQ was first used by psychologist William Stern. IQ scores are known to be associated to many factors in one life like mortality, parental status, a degree, and parents IQ. So if you want to increase your IQ here are ways you can try to do so. One way is to play new games or new activities in which you need to learn new skills. When we continue start to become good at one skill our brain works not as hard. Also playing strategy games helps raise someone IQ because it helps with problem solving, the ability to draw connections between things, and adapting.
Video games stimulate the brain, help you think differently and think quickly. Scientific studies have shown that playing the popular game Tetris leads to more efficient brain activity; as players become more proficient at the game, their brains show a reduced consumption of glucose (the body’s main fuel). Glucose consumption reduces when a person plays a games because when learning the brain burns glucose. When the brain has leaned the skill well it will burn less glucose because the brain is now more intelligent and can complete the task with less energy.
So if you want to raise your IQ you should try new games and hobbies that require you to learn some new information about them. Also doing logical puzzles like sudoku or cross word are good to raise your IQ. Any activity that stimulates your brain’s thought processes using to quickly find solutions to logical puzzles help you brain get smarter. Just doing a couple quick activities each day can help someone’s IQ increase and I recommend that everyone try to do so. Your brain is just like any other muscle in your body and needs to be worked out to stay healthy, smart, and fast.
I always agreed on that someone could work on their weaknesses and turn them into strengths, though it is very hard, I think it also applies to the IQ of humans. Personally, I always try to carry out task that would help me develop and improve certain skills I feel I might not be as good, I might need in the future or consider a weakness. For example managing my time and try to use less leisure time day by day is something I keep try to get better on. It makes sense that someones IQ wouldn’t always stay the same, therefore it is possible to purposely improving it. I think I’ll play Tetris more now, when I use to hate this game. I appreciate you using live links to credible sources supporting your claims and arguments on this matter. Great topic, great blog.
I was always curious if these games really did anything to improve cognitive functions, so i looked up a few articles and according to a statement released by Stanford university, 70 of the worlds leading cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists, The strong consensus of this group is that the scientific literature does not support claims that the use of software-based “brain games” alters neural functioning in ways that improve general cognitive performance in everyday life, or prevent cognitive slowing and brain disease.”
Your post is interesting to me, and I read your blog really carefully. I agree with your opinion that try new games and hobbies which I should learn new information about them. I also find other ways to increase IQ score.
Thanks for the post, I enjoyed reading it. I agree that your brain is just like every muscle, and it needs to be worked out. I think I am gonna try to do more puzzles! heres a video to help you train your brain as well:
This has been something I have often wondered how we are able to improve our IQ, how can we increase our intelligence and measure it. This was a great post done, and interesting topic that many can relate to.