I think trying to fight obesity has become a lost cause. For over a decade, there have been many public-awareness campaigns and and other efforts to encourage people to watch their weights and be careful of what they’re putting in their body, yet the obesity rate just keeps going up. Recent studies have shown that women have now taken over men in the obesity category. Over the last decade, the obesity rate has grown from 32 percent of adults (which was already very excessive) to now 38 percent of adults. Obviously 38 percent is not 50, but it sure is close.
One reassuring factor is that the University of North Carolina’s Barry Popkin, urged caution, saying the participants selected for the study may not have been representative of the nation as a whole. Experts have been trying to figure out why the obesity rate does seem to be rising and what can be done to stop it.
“Obesity — which means not merely overweight, but seriously overweight — is considered one of the nation’s leading public health problems,” should not be a statement in today’s society. There are so many health problems that people suffer that they can do nothing to stop. Obesity is something that can and should be taken care of, to help the each and every one of these people and also the population as a whole.
Obesity is definitely an issue we have the the United States. Though this is not the sole factor, and that there is MANY more, I believe sitting has been detrimental a cause for obesity in America. If we look at all our activities, we seem to be sitting in a chair, whether it is video games, school, movies, or driving. Also, with sitting, we are inclined to eat and munch on junk food. (Or at least, I do) Another thing that I believe is the most important reason why obesity in America is so present is in this article. It is a shame that a healthy diet is three times as expensive as junk food. When it comes to food, we are not rational eaters. We eat what is tasty and within out budget. Targeting America’s obesity may not be as difficult as it is. Just raise the junk food prices. Though it is not feasible, think of how that will work at the end.
This is a very important issue that is starting to effect most if not all of the world and glad that you addressed it. As obesity continues to rise in America there is something that needs to be done before it really start to effect he country as a whole. In your opinion what needs to be done to stop this from spreading further? Do you think there is something that America can do with how they process food to stop this epidemic in its tracks?
This is a very important issue and glad that you addressed it. Obesity is growing in the United States and must be stopped before it keeps spreading and continues to hurt the citizens of the United States. What steps do you think should be taken to stop the obesity epidemic? Do you think changing the food that is produced in America is a viable solution to this problem?
I find this post interesting because in high school I watched a movie called “Supersize Me”, which showed how only eating fast food could lead to obesity. We did an entire chapter on it, with the books telling you what to eat and what not to eat. However, we would watch videos that showed overweight kids who couldn’t lose the weight, and they couldn’t figure out why. These kids were on diets and were exercising daily, but still couldn’t lose weight. While doing research after reading this post, I found a video on Youtube that explains why obesity rates still are on the rise. The answer was aggressive marketing for young audiences. Here’s the Youtube video from CBC that shows why obesity still continues to be a problem.
I agree that obesity is somewhat absurd in todays culture, but why do you think that is? I think it is important to compare the U.S. to other countries. While I’m going to assume U.S. has the highest obesity rate, it would be helpful to note who has the second, and by how much are we ahead in terms of statistics? And what could be causing this increase in obesity? As the article stated, fast food menus are now becoming healthier and the new rules will ban “artificial trans fat in grocery store foods”, so what is the excuse to be gaining instead of losing, These are all relevant questions we should be asking, Also, what more must be done to help these people and encourage them to lose the weight, for their own personal health and wellness? As stated in class, some people believe that obesity could be linked to a specific gene. This article discusses the idea of obesity being linked to genetic, which is something that should be looked at intently if it is true. If there does seem to be a significant link, is there a ‘cure’ to obesity? According to this article, obesity will just continue to risk, so what is it that will stop this epidemic?