The dangers of cell phone radiation

The world of electromagnetic radiation is overwhelming to our everyday life. The (EMR) produced by electrical devices, the Wi-Fi, the cables in offices, and a stack of other technologies that are part of our modern life. However, it leads to a huge health crisis in public that the radiations from the cell phone have linked to the development of “brain tumors, genetic damage, and other exposure-related conditions.” However, the cell phone industry are misleading the public in unwary and dangerous way. The null hypothesis is that the cell phone radiation is not harmful.

aug2007_report_radiation_01“George Carlo, PhD, JD, is an epidemiologist and medical scientist who, from 1993 to 1999, headed the first telecommunications industry-backed studies into the dangers of cell phone use.”

There was a experiment that designed by five ninth-grader students. Their science experiment on testing the cell phone radiation effects on plants surprised the society and earned them rewards, which caused a stir in science.

They were from Denmark, and the experiment was started by the poor sleeping quality. They noticed that if they slept near their cell phone at night, then they will have a hard time to focus on class and concentrate on school in next day. Then, they started the test of “cellphone’s radiation on humans.”

They designed an experiment that test the radiation effect on a plant because the school did not have the equipment to this kind of experiment. They “placed six trays filled with Lepidium sativum, a type of garden cress into a room without radiation, and six trays of the seeds into another room next to two routers that according to the girls calculations, emitted about the same type of radiation as an ordinary cellphone.”


Then, the cress seeds placed with the router had not grown, however, the cress seeds planted in the other room thrived in next 12 days. The results were obvious and visible. By observing and measuring the differences of two seeds, they can make a firm conclusion that the radiation, indeed, has harm to the growth of the planet as well as the human’s body. This experiment surprised by the scientist, and brings the girl the top honors of regional science competition.

In this article, we find out that the dangers of the cell phone radiation by knowing the
experiments that done by students. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis, and the
experiment is more observational than experimental. For further studies, the precise machine
can be used to detect the radiation that emitted by the cell phone. So the result can be more
convincing and reliable.