Welcome to the dark side (of chocolate)

Dark chocolateEver since we were little we were told that candy is bad for you. It causes cavities and gives you a sugar rush. All of that is true but not all candy is bad for you. Dark chocolate has been known to be good for you heart. Although it is not as good as milk chocolate and people tend to like the flavor less, it is a much healthier choice than regular chocolate.

The cocoa is correlated with creating “anti-inflammatory compounds that improve blood vessel functions”, according to a post by Katherine Harmon Courage on Scientific American. A presentation at the American Chemical Society explained the benefits from the microbes in the gut absorbing the fiber and antioxidants from the cocoa. It was found that it can improve insulin sensitivity as well as vascular function. The daily consumption of dark chocolate can lower blood pressure by two to three times compared to those who don’t consume dark chocolate at all. But why is this dark chocolate better than milk chocolate? Dark chocolate has less sugar and therefore less fat.

As well as dark chocolate improving heart health it can also help with learning and memory. At Loma Linda University, a research was conducted by Lee Berk. The studies showed that cocoa flavonoids build up in the brain where learning and memory is associated which, “promote nerve cell growth, increase brain function and brain communication, improve blood flow and promote the formation of blood vessels in the brain and sensory systems.” After this study was done questions such as, is this correlated with dementia or age-related issue? Research is still being done to further answer them.

Harvard researchers have found that the consumption of dark chocolate lowered the bad type of cholesterol, LDL, and increased the good kind of cholesterol, HDL. Other foods such as fruits, tea, and vegetables also have the same impact on heart health but cocoa is different since it contains flavonoids.

Next time you’re at the grocery store or craving a chocolate bar think about getting dark chocolate instead. It can seriously make a difference in your health.

2 thoughts on “Welcome to the dark side (of chocolate)

  1. Gabriela Isabel Stevenson

    I love when I get to read anything about chocolate. I’m not always the biggest fan of dark chocolate, but after this I’ll definitely be eating a lot more. I don’t know if you know this, but red wine and dark chocolate make a killer team against Alzheimer’s Disease, and as a fellow chocolate lover, I hope you appreciate this –> https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjW0fvC9sHJAhVHFj4KHf5kBCEQFggrMAM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.techtimes.com%2Farticles%2F84187%2F20150914%2Fdont-forget-to-drink-red-wine-and-eat-dark-chocolate-to-fight-alzheimers-disease.htm&usg=AFQjCNGOK_1saWQYvfEVjKtPlxAZwhQ6Ag&sig2=68QeWX2JC2GihRIBfUJsWA&bvm=bv.108538919,d.cWw

  2. sjl5595

    Your blog is really interesting. Actually I am a fan of dark chocolate and I agree with you opinions that dark chocolate does bring various advantages to human bodies. In order to make your blog more convincing, perhaps more detailed experiments should be listed in the blog that can be used to support you statement better. But overall I like your blog and hope more people can eat dark chocolate!

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