What water should we drink the best?

Water is a term that no one would live without. There is around 70 percent of our body are made of water, and in other words, the quality of water plays the big role if determine our health. However, many of us do not really know how to choose the water to drink, and what kind of water is best for our health.

“Best” is a subject term that varied by the people from different lifestyles, finances background, or living environment. However, every company would like to say their water is the best. And, based on the common senses and scientific agreements, the good water has to have a good taste and safe to drink. If it can contribute our body in micro-mineral, then it will be better. “Drinking clean, healthy, chemical-free water is the foundation to health.” The cumulative effects of unhealthy water is dangerous, and those chemicals will gradually harm to our body in unnoticeable way. Therefore, what are the standards that the healthy water should have?

The Healthiest Water Is Mineral Rich

There is a common agreement by water experts, that “the healthiest water is produced by home water filters”, because the water filtration systems has selectively  kept the natural minerals and removed the contaminants. And, the reverse osmosis and distilled waters is also supported by the benefits of pure. “De-mineralized water is not found in nature. Nor does is promote growth or health of living organisms.” The conclusive argument among the experts are the healthiest water is the mineral rich water. In the matters of fact, the de-mineralized water are considered  as “dead” water, and in the opposite the mineral-rich water is labeled as “living” water.

mountain stream


“Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, considered by the scientific community to be the top water expert in the world, writes that the best drinking water contains a balance of essential minerals. In his book The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, Jhon says that from a biological and medical point of view, de-mineralized water is simply not healthy to drink.”

The scientific research shows that if a person is drinking distilled water for a long period of time, the body will show uncomforted and potentially dangerous to early death. The distilled water has special property of being able to actively absorb “electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride) and trace minerals like magnesium, deficiencies of which can cause heart beat irregularities and high blood pressure. ” In experimental conclusion, the distilled water is only fit for temporary drinking but not long period drinking. For further studies, the water can be discussed by brands, by price and by nutrition. The water can be cartelized by its brands and taste, and discuss what consumers always buy and why they like to buy those specific brands of water.

Lastly, If one’s priority is to be healthy and to maintain wellness. One’s drinking water should satisfied these requirements to be the finest one. “1. Contaminant free.  2.Mineral rich. 3.Alkaline pH.  4.Micro-clustered. 5.Anti-oxidant. 6. Good taste.” We should take serious to the water we drink just as we do to or body. As the trend of healthy life, the importance of the quality of the water will be emphasized again and again.




The best water to drink (and the types you should avoid)


2 thoughts on “What water should we drink the best?

  1. Sang Hyun Cho

    Really interesting blog on water and water nutrients. When I think of water I just see it as a form of hydration not really expecting any nutrients from it. Something I would have liked to seen is a possible experiment in which individuals drank a certain type of water for a month and their health is measured at the end of the month. With an experiment we can establish a cause and effect and see the effect certain water has on our bodies. I think it is really interesting that home tap water is the healthiest. Is it possible to add certain minerals into water, or are we stuck with the mineral water found in nature? Furthermore, can the minerals found in water supplement our daily needs. What can we do to improve water? Typically, I do not drink tap water but I will now. Overall, great article I learned a lot.

  2. Taylor Nicole D'anna

    I would have never guessed that not distilled water would actually be better for your health! I figured with all of the “crap” that is in the waters today, that it would need to go through a heavy filtration system before making it drinkable. I would have never known that it actually takes out the important minerals in the water, I think this is good evidence but I found an article that argues your opinion and points out some “not so good” minerals. http://www.drinkmorewater.com/minerals-in-water

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