Will breathing be the death of you?

To survive we need Oxygen; however, could this super duper awesome chemical slowly be killing us from the inside?



Calm down. Let me explain.

The air we breath is made up of about 78% Nitrogen and 20.9% Oxygen. The last 1.1% is basically Argon, with a bit of Helium, Neon, and Carbon Dioxide. Ideally humans should only breathe air with 19.5% to 23.5% Oxygen content. Source.

If you breath air below the safe zone you will become mentally impaired for the time, you become physically exhausted and can lose consciousness. Air with 6% of oxygen or less you will die. Source. On the other hand, if you breathe air above the safe zone you are at risk of oxidized free radicals to attack your cells and tissues that appear as muscle twitches. If you experience long exposure, it can lead to death. Source.

Basically, earth is the perfect of balance of oxygen for humans to thrive. Cool.

So how is breathing going to kill me?


If you look back, I talked about these free radicals that attack your insides.  Dr. Russell Blaylock says,  “about 95 percent of the oxygen that enters our cells goes to the mitochondria…but 3-5 percent of this oxygen escapes in the form of free radicals.” Source.

Free radicals are known to burn through DNA which can result in cancer. It hurts enzymes which are supposed to protect DNA from oxidization, but if they are oxidized it leaves the DNA unprotected. Free radicals can burn through cell membranes, called lipid peroxidation, which is linked to over 200 diseases (i.e. heart disease, Alzheimer’s, ALS, Parkinson’s, cancer,  etc.). Source It’s also suggested that these free radicals can cause aging, pain and death. Source.

I’m going to die because I breathe.

Again, calm down.

There are studies by Free Radical Theorists being done to see if using dietary and supplements can strengthen the body against these radicals. It’s believed that if we can stop these radicals, we can reduce some significant disease and possibly slow or stop aging. Source.

Oxygen can’t live with it, can’t live without it.

Check this cool, video for a fun in depth look at oxygen and its effects on the body!

3 thoughts on “Will breathing be the death of you?

  1. Stephen John Murta

    I learned in Earth 002 that the reason dinosaurs were so large is because there was a larger amount of free oxygen in the atmosphere and the reason that we cannot recreate triassic park is because we do not have the amount of oxygen available to sustain life for dinosaurs. I was unaware that if there is 6% or less oxygen in the air we will die. Overall great post, and great energy.

  2. Eric Horowitz

    Interesting studies, now I think the fact that oxygen is killing us is a little bit of a stretch, that fact of the matter is if oxygen was killing us at a alarming rate why wouldn’t there be more awareness about it then a simple youtube video. I think that the oxygen is killing us slowly and that fact is so is living life. Each second that we are alive we are taking time away from our cells that will eventually be the death of us due to old age like everyone else who has died before us. I do however like the way you backed up what you said with credible sources which was all true about the air supply is tainted and not what it used to be but at the same time it is what we need to survive so overall it is a little give and take we need oxygen to live but it is slow “poisoning us” is what i would refer to it.

  3. Mia Rose Del Nunzio

    I loved the way you wrote this blog. It was comical and kept me on my toes, considering “Will breathing be the death of you?” is not a question that is heard everyday. The video shared was very interesting and I was very surprised at the fact that oxygen has not always been on our earth, and that animals and our ancient ancestors didn’t all need oxygen to survive.

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