The power of body languages

“Most people have no idea that the majority of our communication is nonverbal“, and our expression of words is not more importance than the mood or the body language in talking. In other words, it’s not what words that you say but how you say the words. A good and effective talking can show one’s power, charisma and the intelligence.

“If you go into a pitch, interview or date and only focus on the words you use, your leaving your most powerful tool behind.”PIC-1

“Happiness Experiment No 1: Smile more” is a article that done by Leo Widrich who noticed the importance of body language in daily life and how it will alter one’s mood. In the article, it show that the more smiling will lead to more happiness instead of happiness leads to more smiling. In scientific views, the body language is more innate and basic for us as humans than any of other forms of expression, even language or facial expressions. Therefore, a baby born blind can perform the similar body languages or facial expressions as adults. It is the case of pre-programmed body language in our mind before we even born.

The experiment of the body language is observational because it’s visual. The scientist found that the body movements will pass the signals to our brain, and based on the past experiences or the sense, one can determine the impression to the other person.

“Our nonverbals govern how other people think and feel about us.” – Amy Cuddy

This quote shows the fascinated of the body language and how it can help us to build the good impressions and  to achieve our goals in life.

In the views of experts of body language, they can tell one’s impression without hearing what they say, and everyone can do that. Our body just naturally posses that action without telling us. And, that’s why some people are having very good virtues but not in favor in other people’s eyes. Or, some people have high education degrees but still have hard time to be a good leader.

the great TED talk by Amy Cuddy on body language is a strong and interesting speech that express the importance and the power of the body language.

3 thoughts on “The power of body languages

  1. Alexandra D Hayward

    Another cool thing about body language is that you can use it to make yourself feel more powerful. You don’t necessarily have to be letting someone else know how you feel. If you were to stand in a position that shows power, like how a policeman stands with his hand on his belt and his chest puffed out, you will be telling your body that you are strong and powerful and it can effect things in your life.

  2. jrk5481

    Your post reminded me of a television show I used to watch called Lie to Me. The main character was an expect facial language reader and would solve crimes using his abilities. The power of body/facial language is truly astounding and what is even more astounding is how much you can tell by a person’s body even if you have never studied about body or facial language. We as humans have an innate ability to read people, and that is truly an amazing thing.
    Another fun fact is that a study from researchers at The Ohio State University discovered that humans can make over 20 different facial expressions. The normal 6 people are accustomed to are: happy, surprise, fear, disgust, anger, and sadness. However, there are apparently many many more.

  3. Michael Fan

    Body language, or non-verbal communication is vital in how we craft our conversations and relationships with other people. Everything from tone of voice, posture, to eye contact is important in making a good impression. There have been many studies done as to how things like saying a happy message in an angry tone can confuse people about the message and what you are trying to convey.

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