Author Archives: Dongyuan Li

Should death penalty being abolished?



The death penalty is the penalty method for the deprivation of the criminal’s life.It is including Lethal Injection, Electrocution, Gas Chamber, Firing Squad, Hanging.  Nowadays, the topic of it is the right time to abolish death penalty is becoming more and more popular. Some people believed that it is the right time to abolish death penalty. They think many countries abolished the death penalty; USA should do the same. While others think that we should not to abolish death penalty due to lots of reasons.death-penalty-map-united-states

First, from the picture above we can clearly see that the majority of states still agree to enforce death penalty. Most people have a deep-rooted fear of lawlessness and chaos. Citizens desire a strong government that maintain law and order and promptly and forcefully metes of severe punishment to law breaker. From the chart below we can tell that preferredpunishment

for murder. dealth penalty is a little bit of lower than life without parole & restitution.  However, the rate is still high. Clearly, It is necessary to maintain social stability with the death penalty.

Second, the main reason is appease effect. The biggest effect of the death penalty is to appease the victim. According to deathpenalty web, “The death penalty is often justified in the name of the victim’s families” (Parents).The death penalty is a serious offense maiming criminals. They not only deeply hurt the families of victims, but also caused a very bad social impact. Appease refers to the victims and their relatives. For the individual, the execution of the death penalty is the respect for the victim’s life and the emotional remedy, and The murderer bring harm to the victim and the victim’s family It will make them desperate, even a family may be destroyed. So, under the existing conditions, if law does not sentenced to death, government cannot appease the victim and the victim’s family. The death penalty is punishment that the serious prisoner should get, the murderer killed the others with the cruel means should be executed. According to sina web, “The former Chief of Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Justice Wen Qiang was executed on July 7. The Supreme Court firmly believes that he accepted huge amount of bribes, the circumstances are serious and causes great social harm” (Head). The news was cheered by local people for a long time, especially the innocent people he has persecution.jcvtmOX

Third, the main reason is deterrent. Death penalty has great deterrent effect on those potential criminals. May be it worked too well. Th graph above shows that the life span of prisoners in a state with death penalty is lower than without death penalty. The more severe the criminal law, the more frightened of potential criminals. According to Death for Business Criminals, “Presents varying views on whether those convicted of economic-related crimes in China deserve capital punishment. Necessity of retaining the death penalty for nonviolent criminals jeopardizing national security; Value of the death penalty as a deterrent for grafters and the corrupt; Relationship between the death penalty and corruption” ( Death). When a murderer was sentenced to death, the other person heard the news and they considered the consequences when he was impulsive. The deterrent of the death penalty is very important.  Only the fear of death can deter criminals and maintain social stability. ( Another Look At The Deterrent Effect Of Death Penalty, )

Above all, death penalty is still necessary in our society.


Head of Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Justice executed – the last moments of his life. 10 June 2015.

Methods of Execution. 10 April 2014. Web. 11 June 2015. http:/

. Web. 10 June 201

The deterrent effect of the death penalty- from an econometric point of view. Web.12 June 2015.


Watching movie at theatre or at Home

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Recently movies developing quickly, and more and more people like to watch movies, but there are different opinions about watching movies at different place, some people beginning like to go to the cinema, and other people like to watching movies at home. There are many different reasons, such as varying atmospheres, different cost, different timeliness and convenience.

First, the atmospheres of going to cinema to watching movies are different from at home. When you go to cinema, you can get more better watching experience, because there are bigger screens, and  realistic sound effects, you may feel that it is a really world, and especially when a person watching Hollywood movies, it can bring great visual impact. Besides, a person needs to obey many rules, and cannot drop litter around in order to keep environment clean.  When you watch movies at home, you can choose watch movies on the computer or television, while the environment is not very good, and the screens are small than cinema and the sound effect is worse. But one does not obey rules and you can lie on the couch watching movies, and eat food whenever you want.  You can imagine that you are lying on the couch watching movies, and eating nice food. It is very nice.

Second, watching movies in the cinema is costs more than watching movies at home. It means money spent, and time cost. When you go to the cinema, you need to buy tickets, sometimes one need pay full price for the tickets, and other times you only cost half price to buy tickets. For example, if a person buy movies tickets on the weekend,   and one need buy full price tickets, and when a person buy tickets on Tuesday, a person can buy cheaper tickets. Besides, person can buy tickets on website, in general, it cheaper than other places. Watching movies in the cinema, a person need cost more time. For example, when people go to cinema, they need to spend some time on the way, and they need to queue up for tickets. When one watching movies at cinema on weekend, many people will go to cinema, they may spend an hour to line up, it takes more time to watch films in cinema than at home. When you watching movies at home, and you can watch movies for free. There are a variety of movies on website, Such as Youku, Tencent.  When you watch movies at home, you can choose movies on the computer, and you do not need to wait in line. It saves a lot of time.

Third, movies have different styles. When people go to cinema watching movies, they can watch the new movies, it is very fashion. For example, many young people purse fashion. They will watch the latest movies. So, going to cinema to watch movies is a good choice for them. When you stay at home, you can also watch a lot of movies, but for copyright, people cannot watch the latest movies at home, and the films are available a few months later on line or on TV. But if people like classic movies, then watching movies at home is a good choice.


In conclusion, there are a lot of differences between watching movies in cinema and at home. If people have more money and time, and they like fashion, they can choose going to the cinema to watching movies. On contrary, if you more like classic movies and do not have much time, you can choose watching movies at home. From the above graph we can clearly see that the amount of people hope watching movie at home is dramatically larger than the amount hope watch at theatre. I do think watching movie athome is a better idea.


Obesse on celebrities


I think everyone has such experience, when we were a kid we fall in crazy love of an idol. We listen to their songs over and over again. We buy their albums and even the cloth which idols spoke to. Some crazy idolaters  waiting their idol shows up in the airport, the supermarkets, even on the streets. What’s more, a real crazy story is that a girl was so crazy about the idols and she did not want to study even if she was only 13 years old. The father crazy about an idol and her father endured a along time. One day she said, “ I love my idols more than  my parents.” Her father was very angry when he heard this. He lost all conscious and killed his daughter then commit suicide. My classmate in my high school. She is crazy about a super star who is a handsome man. When she went shopping with me, she must went into the shop where the star advertised. She would buy a lot of stuff even if some objects that she would not use them. Some girls like idols so much they carve idols’ names on themselves’ arms. I think they are really crazy. So why some kids so crazy about celebrities and how could we keep idolaters emotion under control?

The definition of Idolater is that the person that admires intensely and often blindly one that is not usually a subject of worship.  According to could you fall in love blindly, as a society, we put a lot of emphasis on appearances. Looks play a large part of our lives, whether it’s how we look or how we perceive others. Stars’ attractive faces or dance are powerful enough for a naive teenager. Kids go through physical and psychological transformations during that time and it is also time they need to put their passion on something. A real person may refuse their love, however, a celebrity won’t. In this case, they would volunteer their money and time for them. In this way, stars get suppot they want and spread more information about themselves through their fans. Secondly, teenagers lack of family love easily in love with stars. A lot of stars have tough childhood, they get over it and became famous. Teenagers with family issue will find the common between themselves and stars. Through this way, teenagers love them more and think of them as their mentor.

So I wondering if there is any physchological reason exists on the phenomenon? Evolutionary psychologist Francisco Gil-White, from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia explians, “Humans have a biological predisposition towards recognising prestigious individuals and acting sycophantically towards them. In the ancestral environment, prestigious individuals would be followed by people who wanted to gain information about successful living. Modern-day children who follow celebrities may be more popular because they are using this inbuilt mechanism to determine who and what is ‘cool’ “. So actually admire celebrities kind of not our choice. We were born this way. Social evluation teach us to learn from the successful people. Especially when we are young and havn’t form judgment on the surroundings we are more easily get effected by others.

I think admire celebrities is not a hazard thing. However, we always need to keep in our  mind that there is a line there. Like why we really obsess over celebrities says, “They are regular people in very high-profile jobs.” I once love a singer crazily, but after a few years the passion all gone. During the time I like him I didn’t spend a lot money on it, I just download his songs and listening. Sometimes talk to my friends how much I like him. I always keep in mind it’s not worth it to spend too much time and money on it. We are the master of ourselves’s life so don’t pay attention too much on celebrities life. Besides I think the right lead from teachers and families are really important. During the transformations time tell them such behavior is understandable but do not put too much passion on celebrities.

Finally, the idolaters can hurt themselves. On March, 20 2014, a new would be spread q


Could you fall in love blindly

Cyber Crime

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21st century is age of information. With the development of the computers and the Internet, our life becomes more convenient than before. However, there are some people using these technologies to take advantage of others, even causing some irreparable harm. It was called cyber crime. Cyber crime is a growing problem all over the world. It is unavoidable for everyone to use Internet during daily life. Consequently, people increasingly suffered threats from cyber crime. So what is the current situation and common types of cyber crime? Can people have the ability to protect themselves? If the answer is negative, it is time for people to know about cyber crime.

According to encyclopedia Britannica, cyber crime is to commit crime or to do some illegal activities through the Internet (Dennis). As the quantity of E-commerce and other Internet business increases, the importance of taking the reality of cyber crime seriously increases as well. Based on the data from the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) , which is a joint project between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center, there were 262,813 consumer complaints received with financial loss of $781,841,611 in 2013 ( This information shows that the consequence of cyber crime is too serious to be ignored. In addition, according to table from the 2013 annual report of IC3, there are some conclusions that can be summarized.

Table 1: Overall Age Gender 2013 Statistics

Age Range Male Count Male Loss Female Count Female Loss Total Combined Losses
Under 20 5,194 $103,298,649 3,602 $2,364,515 $105,663,164
20 – 29 24,549 $42,144,452 23,483 $23,619,502 $65,763,954
30 – 39 28,391 $71,022,425 26,389 $41,784,048 $112,806,473
40 – 49 26,668 $89,559,205 29,170 $70,355,407 $159,914,612
50 – 59 29,220 $93,705,383 26,239 $83,858,340 $177,563,723
Over 60 23,074 $87,244,816 16,834 $72,884,870 $160,129,686
Totals 137,096 $486,974,929 125,717 $294,866,681 $781,841,611


Source: “2013 Internet Crime Report”. Internet Crime Complaint Center. Federal Bureau Investigation.

According to the table above we can conclude that cyber crime could cause many financial losses. Senior citizens are especially easier to be defrauded compared with younger people. Thirdly, male are more likely to be tricked than females.

In order to avoid being defrauded, knowing about the various types of cyber crime is vital importance, such as identity theft, financial fraud, cyber stalking, information forgery, hacking, etc. Identity Theft is one of the most common types of avoiding Cyber crime, which has the significant impact on each individual. This crime involves people who steal others’ personal information for their own benefits. As the website of National Cyber Security Alliance illustrates, cybercrime could not only make victims’ lives inconvenient and dangerous, but also can result in financial ruin and potentially threaten a victim’s reputation and personal safety (“ID Theft”). According to the testimony from FBI about identity theft, “Some studies show that more than 10 million Americans were victimized by Identity Theft in the space of one year, with estimated losses exceeding 50 billion dollars” (Martinez). It shows further that identity theft is an invasion of privacy. Identity thefts are often accomplished through phishing, the act of creating fake website or email messages, to induce people provide personal information. Therefore, people need be on the alert at any time.

When dealing with Internet, it’s important to learn how to prevent ourselves from becoming victim of cyber crimes. Also, it is necessary for everyone to reduce the loss caused by cyber crime. As a matter of fact, as Schmitt mentioned, “the Oklahoma-based group has listed cyber crime prevention as an industry focus in 2008” (“Crimes”). Faced with threats from cyber crime, some effective methods to avoid being attacked by cybercrime are as follows. According to the advice from National Cyber Security Alliance, the most important thing is to think carefully before act so that everyone could be wise when malwares ask for personal information. Meanwhile, everyone should protect all the devices that connected to the Internet against virus and other threats. Last but not least, people should look through the trustworthy website as well as use latest security software to ensure a safe and clean online environment (“Tips”). Nowadays, digital data are increasingly becoming an irreplaceable part of daily life, which also put people in a dangerous condition. There is no denying that the bad guys are capable of using new technologies to commit cyber crime. The best way to learn how to prevent cybercrime is to develop good online safety habits with above advice.

From this research, people could know about the current situation of cyber crime, different types of cyber crime and the solution against preventing cyber crime. It is important for everyone to know about cyber crime in order to avoid becoming the victim. Therefore, having a clear overview about cyber crime is necessary and useful. It is an indispensible part for modern people to use computer and internet. During this activity, people should notice the threats from cyber crime as well as to use effective methods to protect ourselves.


“2013 Internet Crime Report”. Internet Crime Complaint Center. Federal Bureau Investigation n.d. Web. 30 Nov, 2015. <>

Dennis, Michael A.  Cyber crime”. Encyclopedia Britannica. 11 Nov, 2014. Web. 30 Nov, 2015. <>

“ID Theft, Fraud & Victims of Cybercrime”. National Cyber Security Alliance. n.d. Web. 30 Nov, 2015. <>

Martinez, Steven M. “Testimony: identity theft and cyber crime”. Federal Bureau Investigation. 22 Sep, 2004. Web. 6 Apr, 2015. <>

Schmitt, Jane. “Crimes in cyber space”. Computer crime research center. 28 May, 2008. Web. 3 Apr, 2015. <>

“Tips & Advice”. The Anti-Phishing Working Group and National Cyber Security Alliance. n.d. Web. 7 Apr.2015 <>




Are comedians easier get depression than other actors?

A man went to see a mental doctor. He said he is depressed and unhappy. He felt lonely and desperate of his life and he wants some medicine. The doctor said, “That’s easy, you do not need any medicine. The greatest clown will come to city tonight. Go to see his show and you will be happy forever.” The man cried and said, “ But, doctor. I am that clown.”

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Believe it or not many comedian stars get depressed because work pressure. Can you imagine that? The actor who played Mr. Bean was depressed; also actors like Chaplin, Jim Carrey, Stephen Fry all have depression. The famous actor Robin Williams recently committed suicide, drawing our attention to the comedian’s mental health. Mr. Williams made many famous humorous movies in his life. The most famous among them was the Night at the Museum franchise. Unfortunately it was the last film of his life.

So what cause the comedian’s depression. The first reason I think is that the success humorous actors always play a crazy man in the drama. They need to put themselves down to make people laugh. This kind of method is one of the most important element to create comedian called tragic inside. In another words, they need to make audience feel they are higher level than them. For example, when you watch Mr. Bean’s funny behavior in the movie you will laugh and speak to yourself, “I will never behave like that.” The famous actor Huang bo once said, “I cannot laugh out when I watched my comedy, I just can’t. I saw I am a person who is silly and stupid.”

A study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry in January examined , British and Australian comedians’ personality self-assessment tests and found that the comics scored significantly higher than the general population — and even slightly higher than a group of actors — for psychotic traits such as magical thinking, difficulty focusing, reduced ability to experience social and physical pleasure, and impulsivity. According to the article comic mania can speak darkness with joy, in movie industry the bipolar disorder which Robin William suffered from is called “the illness is necessary for the art.”

I think another reason is that the desire of control. As a comedian actor their responsibility is to make people happy. So they need to know how to control the atmosphere and the respond of audience. For these actors every drama is designed very carefully, they themselves know the ending but they have to pretend to be a fool. Humors are not a natural release for them, but a kind of job.  If one day they did not do a good job, they cannot control the audience like they want they may be got hurt from it. This kind of sense of control will bring long time sense of unsafe which is a torment for actors. Media comment may influence their fame can make the circumstance even more worse.

Now, let’s have a look at the bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder, with its extreme mood swings from depression to mania, used to be called manic depressive disorder. Bipolar disorder is very serious and can cause risky behavior, even suicidal tendencies, and can be treated with therapy and medication. This disorder It is serious but it can be conquered. I think Jim Carrey and Stephen Fry set up a good example for us. Here are the videos how Jim Carrey and Stephen Fry overcome their depression, respectively.

After you read this blog, I think we need to concern more about the mental problem of the actors when we watch comedian movie. We need to remind ourselves to respect them in our mind because they are the people who bring happy to us.


comic mania can speak darkness with joy

Bipolar disorder



Should we allow guns carry on campus?


University campuses are supposed to be a place where students absorb knowledge, take part in a variety of activities, and enjoy the days before they become a part of competitive society. However, the problems are caused by carrying guns has become the barrier for foreign students to go to America to further their study and also makes parents who want their children to go aboard to America more worried about their safety. Actually, America  has a long history on the both side of supporting carrying guns and against carrying guns. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution (1791) also emphasizes on the right of people to bear arms, “ A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”(Ready, fire, aim). Is it really infringed”(Birnbaum, 2013)


Is it really helped for people’s safety if we carry arms? Clearly, this picture reflects that more guns helped to control crime efficiency. However, should we allow people concealed carry gun on campus? This controversial topic has been argued for a long time. Apparently, allowing carry guns will benefit students who face life threaten. However it will also expose the students who do not have guns life under threaten. We can tell how the debate is from this video.

I come up with some solutions on this problem and I want to illustrate them with real examples. The real example happened in Virginia Tech warned all the educational  departments and governments that cannot just focus on student’s academic level,  the aspect of student’s mental health is needed to be concerned as important and  necessary.  According to CNN library, “Cho is ordered by a judge to seek outpatient care after making suicidal remarks to his roommates. He is evaluated at Carilion-St. Alban’s mental health facility” (CNN Library). Besides, according to book wrote by Thomas “ possttraumetic stress”, “ depression”, “anxiety symptoms” are all easy to drive people commit shooting. Actually schools and communities’ psychological mentors should concentrate on the mental health of students due to most of the students who commit shootings suffer from a mental disorder. people commit  (Fergus, 2011, p596-600). the students commit shootings suffer from mental mental disorder. If the school can sense the mental problem Seung-Hui Cho had earlier, this tragic event could have been avoided.

The second solution which is local governments or educational departments should organize activities for schools annually, to publicize the knowledge of how students should protect themselves when gun shootings happen. The benefit of this is that students will take the campus shooting problem seriously in their daily life and they can learn how to protect themselves with practice not just in theory. According to Emerson, “The founder and president of Stop Handgun Violence organization John Rosenthal was invited by the Emerson Peace and Social Justice to talk about his participation in civil disobedience movements, the lack of legislative regulation for the gun industry, and the need to make stricter gun regulation advocacy a priority on campus” (Gun control, Laura).

Third, educational departments together with governments could make specific policies and procedures on the regulation of guns such as installing metal detectors or surveillance and punish the internal or external people who carry or use guns improperly on campuses. This solution is better than the above two because this time the solution real focus on how to deal with “weapon” instead of “human”. The first solution tries to solve the problem by cure violence’s mental disorder. It is good, but it is limited by it’s indirectly. The second try to solve the problem through spread knowledge on how to protect themselves to students and faculties and organize acting if the real shootings come. The disadvantage is that people who carry dark motive may use these free chances to learn how to break students’ prevention and hurt people with guns. By contrast, the third solution answers the question of guns control on campuses best. Although it does have disadvantage which is it may cost schools a lot finance budget to install facilities and it also takes schools much time on policies making and ratify by the superior departments. However, there is a real example exit on put this solution into practice. According to the journal When Guns Come to Campus, Security and Culture Can Get Complicated, the author gives some examples, “Arkansas allows faculty and staff members to carry concealed weapons and Idaho prohibits guns  idormitories or venues that hold more than 1000 people.”(Bowerman, 2014, p13). Strict policies are needed as in dormitories or venues that hold more than one thousand people.” Texas is a state which is famous for supporting guns carry. It is one of the seven states which allow concealed-carry guns on campuses. In order to make sure the safety of students and facility, it also put so much money on the prevention.

Bascially I think it is never too much to secure the safety. It may cost a lot to install equipments or take a series of complicated steps to make these policies. However, every time after tragic happen people always wish they should have done this before or they should have done that before. Time cannot flush back, and fate does not give everyone a second chance. May be tragedy can be sever as a reminder for all families to side aside a few minutes to talk together about the importance of compassionate acts-that those acts become the glue that binds us together in our humanity” (Khadaroo, 2013). If schools and educational departments do not spend money and time on the aspect of guns regulation, the retribution will come that there will be more campuses shooting shows up in the future. Risks increase in silence and feed on people’s ignore and arrogant. In the future when people read the news about campuses shooting again, schools and educational departments may regret on why not they haven’t perfect the regulations before. However, regret cannot bring lives back to life, mourning and remembering is far from enough. If schools and departments do not make any improvement and do not learn a lesson from tragedy that means they scarify their lives for nothing. It is not fair. Schools cannot predict precisely on who and when and will commit shootings on campuses, but they can prevent it by stem secure loopholes constantly. Money cannot bring dead to life, but it can help to prevent the tragedy coming. It is worth to spend money on the aspect of protect human safety.

In conclusion, education departments should form proper regulations and procedures on carrying guns on campuses. Combine with concentrating on students’ mental health and organize the activities to enlarge the knowledge of how to keep safe when shootings happen together. The problem of guns control on America campuses will be solved sooner or later.

Last if you are interest in the gun policy on campus in each states of USA. Please click here. This website has rich content on this aspect.


Bowerman, M. (2014). When Guns Come to Campus, Security and Culture Can Get Complicated., 13. Re, R. (2013). Ready, Fire, Aim: The College Campus Gun Fight., 6-14. RetrievedGaughy Mc Lauren. (2015). Campus Carry Would Cost Millions in Security Upgrades. Retrieved from Alaska Dispatch News web

Gomez, Laura. (2013). Gun control activist Rosenthal speaks to Emerson students, urges social action. Retrieved from Emerson

Virginia Tech Shootings Fast Facts. (2015). Retrieved from CNN library


Memento- Short term memory

In thisblog let’s talk about Memento. This movie tells about Masterpiece thriller concerning a man suffering from short-term memory loss, and the clues he has tattooed on his body to remind him of who he is and what he’s doing. (1291)  The newly married couple Shelby was attacked by two gangsters. Although Lenny has survived, the murderer killed his wife. Because of Lenny’s brain has damaged severely, he was caught the Short-term memory failure. Then he can only remember things that happened ten minutes ago. What’s worse, his requested has dismissed by the police, so he promised that he must find the murderer that revenged for the death of his wife. But it’s difficult for him that the fragments have too short. Facing this situation, he has only tattooing the things on his body or writing something down what he need. And if he wants to remember someone, he will write this people’s name on the photograph. The survey has very difficult, but he has insisted, until find the murderer. Hereis the trailer.Z

Psychology concerns on two aspects:

On one hand, Short-term memory (STM) (Page 256): A memory store that holds relatively little information for a few seconds; people are conscious only of the current contents of short-term memory. This movie has just the opposite of the STM movie, so it can make us know how the situations of the short-term memory failure will. On another hand, the relationship between the subconscious and conscious.(Page172) a person’s awareness of his or her own existence, sensations, and cognitions. Because of this conscious made Lenny believed that there is another murderer has not been caught, even if the police don’t believe her. This is the subconscious to make him avenge for his wife.

Scientific studies prove that the human brain that works will not be able to solve the contradiction of rationalization, automatically by distracting, distorted the facts in order to achieve their own psychological state of harmony. This all the psychology knowledge obtained from in the film.


Source:Source  September 22, 2012

2012.9.22. 2014.6.8. <


let’s have a look on hypnosis in this blog. We want to talk about cover hypnosis, it is on basis of a Chinese movie which is called Hypnotherapist which was released one and a half month ago, this movie talk about a hypnotist Xu who has mental illness been treated by another hypnotist Mo. Because of Xu is a hypnotist he knows that how to hypnosis a person, so his terrible mental illness has not been treated, Mo pretend Xu’s patient been treated, but the fact is when Mo enter the room 3 second before, Xu was already in the state of hypnosis by Mo, fact is that when Mo enter the room three second before, Xu was already in the state of hypnosis by Mo, but Xu did not know that he was in the state of hypnosis. Xu and Mo know each other before but Mo has treated him by cover hypnosis. The whole process was Mo treated Xu not Xu treated Mo.

Hypnotist Xu focused awareness on vivid imagined about his experiences, that night heimages[3] was drive his car carry his fiancee and his best friend Mo’s fiancee, but he was drunk, so he cannot focused on his driving, and had a bad car accident. Xu is the only person who was escaped from the car. The result was both of Xu’s fiancée and Mo’s fiancée were dead. Xu decreased awareness of the external environment. In the state of hypnosis said that he has been kicked himself for many years.

Hypnosis is a state of mind characterized by a focused awareness on vivid imagined experiences and decreased awareness of the external environment. The state is brought on by hypnotic induction, a process in which the participant is encouraged to relax and focus his or her awareness in a particular way, often with closed eyes. Once you enter a trance state, an altered state of consciousness in which your awareness of the external environment is diminished, the hypnotist suggests that you focus your attention or alter your perception or behavior in some particular way. (M.Kosslyn & Rosenberg, 2004)

perception or behavior in some particular way. In this movie Xu was treated by covert hypnosis, a psychiatrist by profession is a process wherein the hypnotists have the ability to hypnotize their subjects without their even noticing it. It is an extension of conversational hypnosis and involves the application of conversational tactics to transit the subjects into a suggestibility state where they do not show resistance to listen to suggestions.

Explained in a scientific manner the brain uses waves as modes of communication. Some of them are known as alpha, beta, delta, gamma, and theta waves. Alpha waves at 8-13Hz are found to produce a calm and relaxed state of mind. Beta waves operating at 13-30 Hz are known to carry the subjects into a state of intense concentration which is capable of enabling them to think deeply and analyze logically. Delta waves at 0.5-4 Hz induce a total state of relaxation similar to a state of deep sleep. Gamma waves operating at about 40Hz facilitate a high level of mental activity. Theta waves operating at levels between 4 and 7 Hz are known to take the subjects to a total state of relaxation and in such a state people are found to have the ability to slip into day dreaming. Theta waves are the ones which are considered to be most relevant for covert hypnosis because they facilitate the subjects to transit themselves into a trance state. When people during the process of being hypnotized slip into trance state the extent of their acquiescence to suggestibility is significantly higher. (R, Cover Hypnosis, 2011)

acquiescence to suggestability is significantly higher.Hypnosis and cover hypnosis are different from each other. Hypnosis can use in the normal treatment, cover hypnosis can use in the treatment that people unwilling want to say their pain and what they are suffering.

In whatever you do in life, it is necessary to get the attention of the people to listen to you. Hypnosis is no exception to this. It is difficult to hypnotize a person when he/she is not in a listening mode and it is at this stage the rapport is established to facilitate their listening. The second task at hand relates to the bypassing the conscious part of the mind whose function is to critically analyze all suggestions and information given. If this stage is not crossed, the subjects do not enter into a state of suggestibility. Covert hypnosis achieves this by enabling the subjects to enter into a trance stage. The final and crucial stage is the covert hypnosis protocol. Covert stage stimulates the unconscious part of the mind to imprint the suggestions on the subjects.


  1. Stephen, M.Kosslyn and Robin, S. Rosenberg. Psychology THE BRIAN THE PERSON THE WORLD. Peking University Press, 2003. p.635
  2. Cover Hypnosis. Retrieved from Hypnosis Bulletin:

Good will hunting

Now lets discuss the psychology knowledgd behind goood will hunting. The content below will discuss the psychoanalysis therapy between Will Hunting and the psychologist Sean McGuire in the movie Good Will Hunting.

Good Will Hunting is a poetic story of a young man’s struggle to find his place in the world by first finding out who he is. (Riley)  The film follows 20-year-old South Boston laborer Will Hunting, finding out who he is. This film follows a twenty year old South Boston laborer will hunting an unrecognized genius who, as part of a deferred prosecution agreement after assaulting a police officer, becomes a patient of a therapist and studies advanced mathematics with a renowned professor. Through his therapy sessions, Will re-evaluates his relationships with his best friend, his girlfriend, and himself, facing the significant task of thinking about his future.

Will works as a janitor at M.I.T. under the auspices of the Parole Employment Program. That he has solved difficult theorems on the main hallway chalkboard while swabbing floors causes Nobel Prize winner Professor Gerry Lambeau to seek him out.  When Will was in jail, Professor Lambeau helped him to find many psychologists as well as solving advanced math problem with him. After too many times failure of psychology therapies, Will’s last chance is a psychology professor – Sean McGuire, who might be the only man who can reach him. Sean takes Will out of the office to a lake, the openness suggesting Will is going to be treated as a human being from now on, not a lab subject. Sean and Will share that they were both victims of child abuse.2Q==

During the process of psychoanalysis, Sean helps Will to accept that the abuse he suffered was not his fault. The passionate thematic exploration between worth and value explodes in the climatic last session between Will and Sean. “It’s not your fault” … this is what we’re left with as the summation of Sean’s assessment, a disappointingly shallow slogan in a film with much higher goals. Sean’s best observation is undoubtedly “Maybe you’re perfect,” an unexpected body blow to the perceptions we all seem to have, on some level, of the admirable people we meet who somehow make us uncomfortable. (Robin Williams’ therapy makes ‘Will Hunting’ good) Finally forced to deal with his past, Will discovers that the only one holding him back is himself. This is the trailer.

Developed by Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysis is a type of therapy directly connected to Freud’s theory of personality. The goal of psychoanalysis is to help patients understand the unconscious motivations that lead them to behave in specific ways. If the motivations and feelings remain unconscious, those forces are more likely to shape patients’ behavior, without their awareness. According to this theory, only after true understanding is attained can patients choose more adaptive, satisfying and productive behaviors. (Stepuen M.Kosslyn and Robin S. Rosenberg)

From this research, we know that psychoanalysis is useful for those people who injured some mental hurt. What’s more, just like Sean and Will in this movie, one of the most important elements of psychoanalysis is to build enough trust between therapist and patient. At the beginning of this movie, Will is concerned with doing what it takes to get by his activities have no inherent purpose. At last, the therapist is able to convince Will of his self-worth and subsequent value to others, setting up the relationship story solution of expectation. (Huntley)


Huntley, Monahan. Good Will Hunting. <>.

  1. Riley, Erin. Analysis Good Will Hunting. . <>.
  2. Robin Williams’ therapy makes ‘Will Hunting’ good. <>.

Shutter island – Does lobotomy immroal?

Watching movies has already become one of the important essential elements of our life. Psychology movie is one of them. With the growth of movie production, we can see more and more psychology movies are gradually familiar with people and reflect many different psychology problems. Actually, movies can easily lead us to psychology world and here are some really good movies that I want to discuss in the following blogs.th_&id=OIP.Mc18af6442cf6f1c838188b6d1e332092o0&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1

First let’s start at Shutter Island which researched by Yolanda. In 1954, U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels was going to invest a disappear murder that escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane and is presumed to be hiding nearby. The hospital is on an island (Shutter Island (2010) – IMDb ). Actually, Teddy’s real name is Laeddis and he is a patient of that island for two years. He is a soldier of America during the Second war; he cannot forgive himself because he didn’t save the people in Germany’s Concentration Camp on time. His wife has serious depredepression. She burned their house at first, and after they moved she drown their 3 kids depression and drown their three kids in the river of their garden. Laeddis was so upset, he shot his wife. He also became an extreme mental disorder patient. He always denied what happened to him and created another world in his mind. In the world he created, he is still a sheriff from government. He’s doctor on the island is his partner from government, he came to the island because three mission: Caught a escaped patient who drown her 3 kids; find the to the island because he needs to find thee arson of their apartment who caused the death of his wife; he believe the island keep a dirty secret which is use innocent patients do surgery. In order to cure Laeddis, the dean of the hospital and the doctor decided to arrange two days to cooperate Laeddis, make everything he thought into relative, that is also the advanced treatment – role play and let himself found how wrong he is. If it is not work this time they have to send Laeddis to accept lobar lobotomy, because he was trained soldier and he is the most dangerous patient on the island who almost hurt everyone there. This is the trailer.

This is a very attracting movie because about dreams, minds and medicine, it shows the intelligent of western director. And shows us the will of the western movie – more aims at people’s minds and thought, under the infection of Laeddis. We need to have a deeply thought, even that, every answer hears right (Who is that in your mind?–Shutter Island–by Oliver). Except movie itself, we need to think another question which is if it is right use surgery therapy – lobar lobotomy to treat patients especially Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a kind of psychology trauma which made under these conditions: experience or witness an event that involves actual or threatened serious injury or death; respond to the situation with fear and helplessness. And 3 set of symptoms: A sense of reliving the PTSD the experience; avoid anything associated with it; start easily and hard to fall in sleep. These symptoms do not always appear immediately after the traumatic, however, they can persist for months to years (PSYCHOLOGY – THE BRIAN THE PERSON THE WORLD). For these psychotic patients, lobotomies were sometimes beneficial, it can calming the patient so that he or she could live a relatively normal life. Lobotomies were historically used to treat patients with psychological illnesses and behavioral disorders like PTSD; in the 1950s, they were largely phased out and replaced with medications, talk therapy, and other forms of treatment. As a general rule, lobotomies are not performed today, and many people think that they are actually quite inhuman (What is a lobotomy? (With pictures)). And from the movie we can tell if it is not really have to, they won’t send patients to that surgery too. Another treatment is using medicine, in the movie is Chlorpromazine – it works by changing the actions of chemicals in your brain.  But at the same time chlorpromazine may cause heart failure, sudden death, etc (Chlorpromazine (oral) medical facts from Now days there are some doctors use MDMA to try to cure it, it is drug as we all know. Another way is cognitive behavioral therapy. It can be an effective for PTSD treatment. Both individual and group therapies are used to identify the trauma and the symptoms that are caused by it. Treatment identifies the symptoms and increases the individual’s ability to recognize and overcome the disorder (Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) and addiction).

From the research we can tell how much suffering the patient and his family will take if someone got PTSD or psychology issue. We really hope the doctors can figure out a way to cure them and release their pain in a proper way as soon as they can. And I really know it is really important for us to have a healthy mind.


. PEKING UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2014. 596.Chlorpromazine (oral) medical facts from <>.

.2014. 6. 1. < is a lobotomy? (With pictures).2014.6.1 <>.

Who is that in your mind?–Shutter Island–by Oliver. 2014. 6. 1. <>

Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) and addiction. 2014. 6. 1.<>.

Commercial use of historical buildings is right or wrong?

As a famous historic Country. China has plenty of famous historical sites and natural resources. Take the city Wuxi as an example. It has five stars scenic spot – the lake of Tai. The mountain Ling which is a Buddhist holy land, and Nanchang Street and Nanchan temple are very worth to travel. The buildings have got through hundreds years suffering and testimony the changes of the city. However, during the Labor Day, 2014, I traveled there and saw testimony the growth of the city. However, the commercial use of the historical buildings can be seen all over the world. In many aspects commercial use of historical buildings are very harmful to the historical buildings. It can accelerate the speed of the damage of historical buildings; it makes the pollution more serious in the site, and decreases the value of the historical buildings20140508_120510

First, the commercial use of historical buildings will accelerate the speed of the damage of historical buildings. Though those commercial used of historical buildings provide more job opportunities, actually the harm of it is much more than the benefit of it. In Nanchang Street, there are many restaurants inside the ancient buildings, Like Starbuck – the famous coffee shop, burger restaurant, French type restaurant and so on. The kitchen waste and the noise make by these restaurants are really harmful for the historical buildings. Peak sound pressures are normally assessed to determine the possibility of damage to a structure. If peak sounds level are above one hundrand and thirty dB. Structure parts are affect. According to the magazine TALK, they called Nan Chang Street a secret heaven and it is said that if you’ve had the pleasure of walking past this clothing store, it surely would have stopped you in your tracks. (TALK) And obviously this heaven was commercial used by local people and it is a heaven for customers but not natural resources now.

Second, the more tourists travelled there, the serious pollution is. In Nanchang Street, many people just throw their garbage into the old canal. Nobody clean them which makes it very dirty. And some of the tourists carve their names or ‘I traveled here’ on the wall which makes the wall lose its original look. Nanchang Street is famous for its typical Jiangnan- Style houses, with white walls and black tiled roof. And the red lanterns seemingly inspired by Zhang Yimou’s film, “Raise the Red Lantern”, hung high under the eaves and the Qingming Bridge, the oldest and largest single-opening stone arch bridge over the Canal connects Nanchang Street with Nanxiatang area ( Obviously, the human activities damage the beautiful historical buildings deeply. We just keep looks they had during the ancient time.

Third, too many human activities decrease the value of the historical buildings. Nowadays we are using the heritage of ancestor as a tool of making money. Actually, historical buildings are very good source for people to study ancient culture and contracture style. The commercial use of the buildings will make a huge block in the way of study history. Nan Chan Temple is a very famous temple which is still used by Buddhism activities. When a visited there, I was really shocked by its location. Out of the temple’s wall is a busy and noisy business mall called Chinese famous business mall. How can scholars can do some research very well to a temple which is near to the mall. Although I am not a Buddhist, or a historian but I really feel sad about this.

According to the book Heritage works “Historic buildings create a focal point that people can relate to and are familiar with – giving a sense of place.” And historic buildings can be less important than the overall commercial life of the area. In other words, the whole public area is greater than the sum of the historical buildings parts. But, modern urban landscapes fail to provide any of the ingredients that historical buildings can give us. And however, the commercial use of them cause their damage and makes them lifeless. (Thurley) I really hope the local people can treasure their nature resources and historical buildings as the gift from god, but not the tool of making money. In Nanchang Street the canal and old buildings should make a beautiful picture in the centre of city. When you looking at this picture, it looks like a wonderland which you want to get to know it. It just a pure land which located in the city, has relationship with money, commercial or damage. For Nanchan Temple maybe it is not impossible to move both temple and the mall, but at least local people can decrease disturb the activities inside the temple as much as possible. Not only these two places, I wish more and more people can realize the disadvantages of commercial use of historical buildings. And there will be less and less commercial use of historical buildings in the future.




Scientists say we cannot be born with purple eyes, but why some people do.

Blue, Green, Black, Hazel is most common eye color. But, have you ever met someone who has purple eyes? It is said that there are only 600 people in this world have purple eyes, including has purple eyes. The famous actress Elizabeth Taylor and the boy in this video who is become popular because his eyes.(PLEASE CHECK THIS VEDIO OUT). His eyes are so beautiful. Although his brother didn’t show up in this video, it is said that his brother has same purple eyes like him, too. Scientists have proved that human cannot be born with purple eyes. We can only be born with amber, black, blue, brown, grey, green, and hazel. But some people indeed have purple eyes.First, let’s have a look on human eyes structure.u=2916013755,1816359334&fm=21&gp=0

This is an anatomy of human eye. Eyes are just like a camera. Cornea is screen, lens has variable focus and change its’ shape through the cilia muscle to adjust the focus. Retina is a very fine optic nerve tissue in the inner wall of the eye. It is like the film of a camera, which has the function of receiving and transmitting the image. Iris is a color dish which helps to adjust the light entering the eye. There are different color and density of pigmentation in different people’s eye. In most circumstance, white people have lighter color and less density of pigmentation. This is also the reason why white people like to wear sunglasses. Because of light eye color there will be more sun light get through into eyeball. In order to protect eyes are burned by sun shine, they will wear sunglasses during the day. Yellow people have hazel or brown. Black people always have most density pigmentation so they have black eyes. However, there are some exceptions exist. This video shows that some black people with pure blue eyes.

Now let’s discuss the most mysterious eye color in the world- Purple. We cannot be born with purple eyes, but why some people have purple eyes? Is it a gift or defect?

There are two explanations now for this phenomenon. First explanation is Alexandria Genesis. According to the legend, one night during ancient Egypt time there was a lighting interrupt peaceful night. Everyone went out see the light get purple eyes and white skin. They were called “spirit people”. After they got these facial features they start being not accep accepted by local people. They moved and disappeared at last. However, in 1329 a new born accepted and finally they disappear. However a girl who has purple eyes bo named Alexandria was treated as the reappearance of spirit people. She was the first person has purple eyes according to the record. Alexandria Genesis is kind of a myth.

Second is albinism. Some people have albinism disease which may be a small amount or no pigment melanin in the iris and it turns out that they have purple eyes. Sometimes if blue eyes people’s eyes got injured by sun it may caused appearance of blood vessels and they might end up having purple looking eyes.

Apparently, neither Elizabeth nor the boy in this video has such disease or injured. Is there any other explanation? Yes, that is mutation. This is the main reason that Elizabeth and other healthy children have purple eyes. However how does the mutation result in the purple eyes are still not being solved. What scientists believed is that if mothers carry mutation genetics. There is more likely that the children they give birth will have genetic mutation. We already known that no one can be born with purple eyes, but variety reasons can trigger mutation after they were born. What’s more, there is a large possibility that the children have blue eyes, but the under light they shows up like purple.

Eyes are the windows of heart. Whatever your eye color is you must to cherish it. Violet is the color represent loyalty and royal. If you have a pair of violet eyes and you are a healthy kid without disease. Don’t worry, accept this beautiful gift.


Why infanticide happened in animal world?

Why infanticide happened in animal world?

Taking good care of cubs is animal parents’ responsibility. However, the behavior like infanticide do exists in the real world. Why does some animal kill or eat baby?


The behavior of infanticide can happen when the leader of a pack changed. The new pack leader would kill the entire old one’s offspring. Then they will mate the females and produce its’ own cubs. It often happened in lion’s pack. Here is a video record the entire process. Sometimes it will happen in macaque pack, too. This is kind of a nature rule that eat the baby not their own. But why some animals kill their own children besides above situation.


In some extents, parents will consider their eggs or cubs as easy food. This can be happened at when the environment is extreme bad that they cannot get food for months. Male polar bear will kill baby polar bear; even it is their own blood. There always a fight between male and female poly bear at this time. Sometimes female will eat the sick one in order to keep others alive. However, sometimes the animal infanticide behavior is so weird that it seems like they kill baby for no reason.


Squirrel can avoid rattlesnake attack by Shake their tail!!!

Squirrel can avoid rattlesnake attack by Shake their tail!!!

First let’s look at this video. In this video we can see that the small squirrel got attack by the snake, however, the bigger one avoid the attack by shaking its tail.

So, why does rattle snake do not attack the squirrel which shake its tail? It is common sense that dogs shake their tail means they show their friendly. Is that has the same meaning between squirrel and rattlesnake? They have some mysterious bond between each other?


First let’s get to know about rattlesnake. Rattlesnake wildly distribute at South and North America. They gained name rattlesnake because they will rattle their tail as a warning if they sense dangers coming. They bite their prey and let them go until the venom get worked, then they will find the corpse and eat it. Why rattlesnakes give up on attack squirrel which shake their tails? Scientists implant tracking equipment in several rattlesnakes’ body and release them. According to the information they found that, if squirrel shake their tails when they met a rattlesnake the squirrels nearby will do the same thing. It’s not friendly information, however, it can mislead rattlesnake that make the rattlesnake think they will not achieve their attack because the prey is moving.

Very clever isn’t it? Avoid the rattlesnake by mislead them. Squirrel is a kind of pretty tough animal here is another video about how they fight.Amazing fight.


Recent years, lots of people hunt rattlesnake for profit purpose. It makes the rattlesnake species in danger. What’s more, scientists found that some wild rattlesnake do not rattle their tail as frequently as before in order to avoid being found by hunter. This makes rattlesnake even more danger than before because if they don’t rattle their tail. The people walk around it cannot notice it and may get attack without warning.


Do goldfish have a 3 second memory?

I raised some goldfish when I was a child. I love them very much. Many people told me that, “You know what?Goldfish only have 3 second memory. So don’t feed them too much. They will be die because eating too much.” Every time I heard that I feel amazing and puzzled at the same time. I cannot imagine what life will be like if a creature only has 3 second memory and I do not want they die because over eat. I did not try to find answer before, but I decided to figure it out today.


Do goldfish really only has a 3 second memory? The answer is a big NO. Actually according to scientists study, their memory span can last 5 months long, even years. According to Today I found out, scientists have already do a research try to figure out if this myth is right or wrong. One of the experiments they did is that. They put a lever in the fish tank, if they push the lever at certain time during the day. They will got food, otherwise they don’t. Gradually, the fish learned to push the lever during the certain time of the day when they will be feed. During the other time of the day, they just ignore it. Here is vedio about break this myth.


Actually, the study of training fish has great value on fish farming industry. According to Daily mail, scientists trained fish through feed them and play a specific sound at the same time. After training, they release them to the sea. Until they grow up, scientists play the sound in the sea again, and these fish swam back to them. This technique has a lot advantages such as saving feed sources and environment.


Back to the topic, I am very glad to found out that goldfish has a more than 3 second memory. If you raise fish at home, keep changing the spot where fish tank is placed. It helps fish to get rid of bored due to see the same view over and over again. Goldfish even can recognize their own master. Maybe they cannot please you like dog or cat, but they are smarter than you can imagine.



Goldfish Do Not Have a Three Second Memory



In 2001, a scientists’ team experienced a heavy snow storm in a dessert. The snow is almost 5-1Sublimation is a Sublimation is a kind of physics phenomenon that item changes their state from solid to gas directly without liquid. Typical examples like: solid carbon dioxide to gas carbon dioxide. It always used on the state for performing purpose. It also is used on food protection and chill food and beverage. Some chefs will add solid carbon dioxide when served food because it can create a fantastic view effect for customers.  Nowadays, solid carbon dioxide is used widely in people’s daily life. Sublimation is an interesting phenomenon. Here is a video illustrate Snowsublimation.There is an interesting Snow sublimation happened in China. In 2001,   There is an interesting Snow sublimation happened in China. In 2001, a scientists’ team experienced a heavy snow storm in a dessert. The snow is almost 5-10cm deep. However, after 20minutes they a.There is an interesting Snow sublimation happened in China. In 2001, a scientistsexperienheavy snow storm in a dessert. The snow is almost 5-10cm deep. However, after 20minutes they .scientists’ team experienced a heavy snow storm in a dessert. The snow is almost 5However, after 2

Is God exist?

During my orientation, I sign up with a Bible study program. At that time I was curious about everything and want get to know everything. Before I come to Park, my English instructor said to me,” There are two books you need to read if you want to know western literature better. One is Bible another is Homer’s Epic.” So I think why not sign up. A few days ago, a lady contact me and we talked a lot about Bible and life. What she basically believe is that everyone has sin. We cannot save ourselves by doing good things or be nice. But we can save ourselves by believe in God. Sounds really serious. But I think whatever your belief is, keep being nice is always good for everyone. Religion and science are not conflict with each other, they are support each other like couple. The things that we cannot explain push us to keep explore the truth of the world. This kind of exploration spirit is worth to pass from generation to generation. I really love science, when we discover something new that kind of achievement always encourage us to move on. I also like religion, what appeal me is it’s mysterious.

Initial Post

Hi, my name is Dongyuan Li. I am a transfer student. I chose this course because my academic advisor told me most transfer student chose this. I did not choose science as my majpr because I didn’t do a god job in high school. I am afraid I will fail again. I name myself Yolanda. It is a meaning full name, it means violet in Spanish. this is a link aboutt how to make pure violet syrup. This is the picture of violet.

So far, I really enjoy class. The science I study here is not as boring as high school. I hope I can get a good grade and love science at the end of this semester.