When I eat the food, some foods taste good only in hot temperature and some other foods taste pretty nice even in cold temperature. Obviously, serving temperature of the food has a close relationship with the taste of the food. Some foods are good or better when they are served with the right temperature. It is hard to tell that hot serving temperature is always better than cold serving temperature. So, I’m going to explain why foods have different taste in different serving temperature.
According to Karel Talavera Perez, at the University of Leuven in Belgium, human’s perception of taste decreases when the food serving temperature rises higher than 35C because human’s body accept this high-temperature food as a hazard. So, we can feel a taste like burning. He also said that perhaps we do taste at such high temperatures but we don’t pay attention to it because there is a burning feeling. Simply, a burning taste is a kind of our body alarm to notify the dangerous and it makes us unable to feel the taste.
In 2005, Journal of Sensory Studies found that the taste of cheddar cheese was perceived differently in different serving temperatures. Researchers prepared the cheese with different serving temperatures which were 5C, 12C and 21C. They found that the taste of sourness increased as the serving temperature rose. They also found that it is much harder to evaluate the taste of cheese when it was served with hotter temperatures. Other types of food also showed differences in their tastes when they were served with different temperatures. For example, ice cream gets sweeter when the serving temperature rises, the beer tastes more bitter with warmer serving temperatures and ham tastes saltier in cold serving temperature.
According to a study published in the journal Nature in 1999, temperature changes in certain part of human’s tongue can create an illusion of the taste. Heating the front part of the tongue can cause an illusion taste of sweetness and cooling the front part of the tongue can evoke a taste of sourness and saltiness.
Overall, if you want to have a certain type of taste or you just want to enjoy your food, this can be a helpful information for you. I think I will use some of them to make my food more delicious.
Images: digital.vpr.net