Author Archives: Jinghao Zhang

the ten percent myth of our brain…

Imagine there is a secret in our body that if you brain can reserved some brain power lying in wait, and it can be summoned with using some special method or turning on some special trigger in your body. That will be extremely convenient. Such imagination lead us to dream that our human only use 10 percent of our brains.

Related Anecdotes

The rumor probably started in 1980 when a science write, Roger Lewis, wrote an article introducing the famous research done by British neurologist about” Is your brain necessary? ” Otherwise, the ten percent statement may have been started from a misquote from Albert Einstein: we are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resource. Although it is really ideal to think that way, according to many researches, there is no scientific evidence showing that we only take advantage of 10 percent of our brain.


Lack of evidence…

First of all, there is no data coordinating with 10%. Let say if one cuts up 90 percent of his brain, will it be fine? The average human brain is known as the 1.4 kilogram. If we take the 90 percent of the whole, that would leave only 0.14 kilogram, which is equal to the size of a puppy brain. The brain size is well-known as the determinant of intelligence. We literally can do nothing with a brain weighted only 0.14 kilogram. Furthermore, some disease like stroke, and Parkinson’s would cause devastating disabilities, but those only influence on certain area of our brain. if we only use only 10 percent of our brain, it is more likely that those injuries happen at the utilized ninety percent. Such injuries are supposed not to matter our basic function, but somehow they do hurt, and do cause disability.

Some people may argue that when people use 10% statement, they mean in every ten nerve cells, we only utilize one of them at any given time. Whereas, there is no measurement showing there are neurons are at resting. By using Action potentials test,the result indicates even if a cell are not firing action potentials, those cells still are still attaining signals from other neurons.

Form the point of evolution, our body tends to eliminate the redundancy. Therefore, what’s left in our body must serve functions. One either uses it or loses it. Taking the development of synapses as example, scientist found that some synapses are eliminated as we develop. This is because our brain goes on to fine-tune the wiring of nervous system. Then it seems right to say that if the 90 percent of brain is unused, then many neural pathways would degenerate.

Finally, functional brain imaging shows that all parts of our brain function, but not in the same time. In a given time period, we only use maybe a small portion of brain. however, if the a movement is complex enough, indeed, there would be much more use of it. We can make an analogy with our muscle. One cannot using all his muscle in a same time, just like one would not use all of his brain in a short time interval. In term of a long term, like a day, one definitely would use all of his brain if he does some intense work.


Conclusively, the world is complex place. It is fooling us with mixed type of messages. However, one thing we know for sure is that it doesn’t make any sense our brain has some hidden power. Instead of thinking about finding none-existing dormant chunks, in order to improve your brain, what one needs to do is getting more sleep and eating more brain food.


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a little bit more beyond Inception…

Life does not always go the way you want, but, somehow, dream does. There was one time that I was able to freely remember what situation is in really life while dreaming. Therefore, I started to thinking about if people can control their dreams. In this case, there are a lots of anecdotes influences our perception about dreaming. For example, the blockbuster movie, Inception, Leonardo DiCaprio and his companies are able to get into others’ dreams with consciousness. Although the scientific proofs are far-fetched, the movie, misleadingly, brought the concept back into our sight.


Can we actually do things in Inception in real life…?

 Lucid Dream is the term to define the situation that you are fully aware of the fact you are dreaming while having consciousness. Backing to the old time when the lucid dreaming was still in debate, A study done by Snyder and Gackenbach in 1958 indicates from a sample size of 486 people, 89 percent of people report having had a lucid dream at least once in their lives, included about twenty percent of participants report having lucid dream about once a month. According to the data, the result of this study fail to reject the null hypothesis that most people dream with consciousness once in their live time. Although there are a large amount of people reported they have experienced lucid dream, in 1959, some opponents (eg. Malcolm 1959) noted lucid dream were absurd due to absence of empirical evidence. Empirical evidence is where the difficulty happens. When cognitive scientists try to study experience of behavior, they usually ask for a subjective report which simply describe about participants’ experience. However, this happens to be hard to prove in dreamers, since no one would tell you much when he wakes up.


As I delve more into the topic, I find the empirical evidence came followed the discovery of the stage of sleep. Based on standard recording of two subjects dreaming three times during REM period, researcher concluded that lucid dream may start in REM. However, the study did not suggest when the lucid in fact started. In order to checked out, I find the study done by LaBerge, Nagel, Dement & Zarcone (1981). Under the help of polygraph, they successfully detected the eye movement to signal the onset of lucid dreams. In the cases of 35 nights of study, 35 lucid dreams were reported: 32 times happened in REM period, and 3 times happened out of REM period. Thus the evidence is clear: lucid dreaming is physiologically real, and it happened in REM period.


Now you know it is possible to control you dream. What’s fascinating about lucid dream is that dreaming awareness allows a control in which dreamer can intentionally drive any elements of the dream to the direction you want, and this is also why many people are attracted to lucid dreaming. It is a free risk adventure with many benefits. Check the link to learn how to lucid dream…

At last, here is a video teach you how to lucid dream

Works cited


Do pets benefit owners’ health?

Pets are certainly friends of human being. After a busy day, one who owns a pet would definitely feel the love from his or her pet. In the view of human being, they are little fairies, jokers and troublemakers. However, have you every image if these little fairies can do even more besides making fun for you, but do something more serious like release pressure and prevent anxiety.


When I was little backing in China, I always found an interesting pattern that Homeless people always have a pet. I started to wonder about why the homeless people have pets when they ca barely take care of themselves. My father is a pets lover, and he told me that pets like dogs, provide a deep comfort to their owner. Most importantly, viewing from my father’s point, he said, according what he has seen. Homeless who have pets tend to live longer… Besides what my father told me, I have read many articles about pets’ health benefits in some western magazines.

After taking this class, the question come into my mind again. Can pets really benefit owners’ health?


Past study

I did some research on this topic, and I find some experiments in the past were biased. the research I looked at focused on the a certain group, mainly the elder people. Since this experiment is an open trail, there was concern all of the participants may have known the goal was to measure their well-being and this might lead an inaccuracy in their response of the over all survey.

Many years later, there was another study of psychological response to the presence of dogs. As for the result, researcher found staying in a room with a dog can reduce pressure. However, the dogs in this experiment were actually parts of the experimental setting. Whoever staying with a ”strange” dog in an isolated room would definitely wired. Thus the experimental benefits was likely to be less than the actual situation where household stayed a nicely warm home and pated their familiar cute dog.


A natural experiment about dog and their benefits…

In 2007, a group of Chinese scientists in the major city of China run a natural experiment to figure out the relationship of dogs and owners’ health. before all the thing started, the hypothesized that people owning a dog tend to live better off than those who do not. The participants. Sample size of 3031, came from woman aged 25-40 in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. In this case, half of the participants owned at least one dog, and the other half did not. Unlike the western study has done before, what good about this study is it actually it shows significant effect of dog and cat ownership on health. In western countries, rising a pets is a common things for many centuries, thus it confused researchers to figure out whether it is pets brings health benefit.  Through there was some modest correlation between pets and health condition, no one can say for sure that’s the causation. Unlike some western countries, pets were banned in urban area until 1992, the rapid introduction of pets was likely to result more statistically stronger evidence.



In order to solve the universal question: do pets benefit our health? Future research is need even we see a strong correlation in between pets and health condition. Anyway, having a pet is never a bad idea; you will never know how much fun and affection it can bring. most importantly, people raise dogs no because of the benefits they bring but because of the love for all the creatures, right ?

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Do you name determine your future?

Does your name determine your destiny? Let’s talk about this. Roman had a saying “nomen est omen” ,or “name is destiny”. To some remarkable degree, one’s name does matter, and what one is called influences the way people perceive him and the way he perceives himself. Is this really true, let’s see…


Remembering what Andrew said about Anecdotes, there are lots of anecdotes for this phenomenon. Back to my home country, I found it very interesting that people with first name meaning “patriotic” are likely to become politicians. Besides that, I also found the people who have the given name meaning “doctor” are also likely to become doctors. I don’t really know about American names. But as I looked it up on the internet, not surprisingly I found similar patterns existed. And I also found an interesting term called “Nominative determinism”, which implies a person’s name can have a significant impact in choosing their jobs or profession and in shaping their characteristics.


In past several decades, there are many study done in this topic

With a null hypothesis that students whose names begin with letters associated with bad grades are likely doing poorly in school, researchers run an experiment. To test the hypothesis, researchers acquired data from a large private university, and the data contains all kinds of racial groups. They first identified students whose first or last names began with letter A, B,C or D, excluding those with conflicting first and last initials(e.g. first initial A and last initial D). In addition, students who have initials E to Z are sorted into “Others”. In this study, the factors controlled are demographic and graduation year. The result are followed below


It was the same as the researcher predicted; the experiment concluded that there is a strong name-performance correlation in this case, and the “other” column shows the lower average GPA was caused by the initials C and D. However, correlation does not equal to causation. There probably is a third variable in between. For instance, we don’t know if teachers give the grades based on students’ name deliberately, rather than their students are responsible for the result observed. Furthermore, the sample size was not mentioned in this experiment,thus it could be the factor cause the inaccuracy.

How we explain...

There is no scientific evidence prove names does affect our destiny.psychologically, this phenomenon can be attributed to how we react our own names. From the study above, we can explain it, saying children who like their names turn out to be more confident and self-assertive than those who don’t. Thinking about how many time in a given day, while meeting people ,the first name you ask is “ what’s you name” but if one have a name he doesn’t like, he should not be confident.

In Conclusion..

I found it is really hard to prove the causation between name and one’s future. However, name liking in fact affects life outcomes though very implicit way. A name can exert unconscious influence over one’s decision making. It just can be not totally due to chance that in American people named Dennis are more likely become an dentist, same thing with people named starting with La and lawyer.



at last, here is a video about this interesting phenomenon


Work Cited!/search/document?ho=t&fvf=ContentType,Journal%20Article,f&l=en&q=name%20profession%20correlation&id=FETCHMERGED-LOGICAL-p540-687fe246ba3feec1aedf7a53127b0961a32c1ebae1fcad9947978e24fbc7c2af2


Can Airbnb shake hospitality industry?

In Today’s world, there are more than 30 million people have used Airbnb to find a housing for their journey. Such newly raised mechanism makes the hospitality industry feel anxious, forcing some longstanding incumbent like Hilton, and Marriott to adjust or to suffer. However, some people think it’s not an immediate threat yet. They are saying the relationship between Airbnb and Hotel industry is like food trucks and restaurants. People who are willing to pay food at food truck are also willing to pay their meals at a cozy restaurant other days. Let’s talk a little bit more about this topic and see if Airbnb would influence hospitality industry.

Here is a study about the influence of Airbnb

As I delve more into this topic, I found a recent study about the competitiveness of Airbnb in hospitality market. Basically, it is saying that Airbnb is only nibbling a little bit at hotel industry rather than gulp it as a whole. In this study, researchers estimate Airbnb’s impact on hotel industry by comparing the change of total revenue before and after Airbnb kicked in, but the study have take the sample purely from Texas,which is a defect I will talk about later. By manipulate different equations of economic, the researchers provide empirical evidence which reject the null hypothesis that Airbnb is significantly changing the hospitality pattern. However, the result also suggests Airbnb could have some modest impact on the revenues of budget hotels. For example, in two years to December 2013, it cut the revenues of budget hotel by 5%.



My opinion about the study…

The study did great job estimating the impact of Airbnb on hospitality in Texas, but some future works are needed as well. First of all, the samples were purely selected from Texas. The local impact of Airbnb can’t be apply to other market where the supply and demand are different. a larger sample size could be a great contribution to the problem.

Secondly, the study avoid some competitor of Airbnb itself, like VRBO and HomeAway. A survey of sample size of 560 people indicates a fact 13% of respondents saying they have used other agent like Airbnb before. Such potential competitor might be one factor to hold back Airbnb’s growth.



My opinion…

From my perspective, I think Airbnb is a powerful competitor of hotel industry, simply Because it can do something that hotel can’t do. First of all, Airbnb housing is located at the place where real people live, thus it provides a social atmosphere, and a better way to know a new place. In addition, because the special location Airbnb require, it can created an additional housing where ever housing existed rather than building a whole construction in accordance with land sizing. In place like New York, one additional land would cause more than you image, thus the marginal cost would be higher. In market like New York, Airbnb become a compliment to the hotel a room rather than a substitute.


The article provides evidence the impact of Airbnb on the hotel industry is not significant. However, in a long term, challenges form Airbnb is potentially harmful to the operation of hotel incumbents. Turning to consumers, without hurting hotel industry, the existing of Airbnb benefits those who rent their properties and consumer who benefit from the lower price due to either Airbnb or Hotel competition with Airbnb. Such sharing economy is an interesting model. After knowing those facts, what’s your choice?

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About Smoking…

We generally believe that smoking is bad for our body, and it also one of the leading causes of death in a world range. It is very smart not to smoke. However, this conclusion is not always true for all of the people. A group of people who are very lucky can smoke without any harms or any kind of illnesses of their body. One research pointed out that one of the oldest guys, Jeanne Calment, was a smoker. How does it happen?

A new research found that some smokes having such long-living aren’t a coincidence. They mind Single nucleotide polymorphism sequence of DNA in some people actually help them better resist and mitigate the damage from habitual smoking. The researcher even identified a set of genetic markers that help promote longevity, which is corresponding to many studies among animals.

The researchers sequenced the genomes of 90 long-lived smokers who reached their 80, and contrasted them with the genomes of 730 smokers who died before their 70. Surprisingly, the result indicates that a net work of SNP indeed have very significant contribution on getting longevity and resisting aging. The likelihood of reaching 90 is tripled u ,and the possibility of becoming a centenarian is 22 percent increased. In conclusion, researchers concluded long lived smoker appear to be very biologically distinct group of people, granted with some resilient gene that can response to some extreme conditions. Like smoking or poisoning situation.

Thus, there is a conclusion that there genes may promote lifespan. That’s why those who exposed to high level of bad habits, like some smoker, may be live longer. However, people who carry those sequences of gene are rare. There is limited knowledge about those gene, and some related technology are still in developing. Probably in the future, people can use this method to help resisting aging and illness.


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About the method we are using to look for ET

Do you feel lonely to know that you are the only civilization living in this universe? We have searching for ET for hundreds of years, but “where is everybody”? In today’s world, we are looking for aliens with electro-magnetic spectrum. However, does it make sense to look for ET with such method? Some scholars made an analogy which told us it is like using pre-technology such as smoke and drum to make modern people get you what you are saying. The chance of making them understand our voice is rare, because it is unlikely that a faring civilization would use electro-magnetic spectrum to communicate if they know the speed of light is limited, and it is going to many years to receive it. Nobody would have the time.

Such statement is very convincing and speculative. However, it makes us to think which direction we should make our next step and also to consider how the technology might play out elsewhere in the universe.

The method we are using right now is mainly limited by the speed of light. We know that our radio signals have been traveling through universe for about 80 years, which would means that only civilization within 80 light years from us would received that signal or have the opportunity to receive our signals, and those who are within 40 light years would send something back to us. However, we still haven’t got anything back yet. So far, we can only answer Fermi’s question of “where is everyone” by saying they are not within 40 light years. Probably, our project looking for aliens is wrongheaded over all.

What else could we choose? In term of what could reach us, there are 4 categories.

  1. electromagnetic signals(What we are now using)
  2. Gravitational wave signals, but we need a equipment that is sensitive enough to detect such distinct signal of intelligent life.
  3.  macroscopic space probe. (Unlikely to happen, for it is time consuming)
  4. Neutrino signals.

The most likely project is to spend money on the last option. It is possible to achieve, since nuclear power or fusion power is proven to be efficient. It has very specific neutrino signatured  as a by-product of fusion, which cannot be produced by natural process. If we find a way to detect that particle we can easily find civilization that is able to use fusion power. As we continually develop our technology and our knowledge of universe, we won’t be lonely for lon perhaps even someday soon, we will find the surprise reserved for us: that we are not alone in this world.1-mHnVzO8KcnA-UAaoeZXArw

Green Tea helps losing weight

Drinking green tea has been in both eastern and western culture for more than 500 years. In general, green tea is one thing that’s really good to your body, but there is little objective data showing this influence on human body. Thus, Some people pointed out that green tea actually helps you losing weight, but the others think that’s the one characteristic being exaggerated. In recent study, scientists from Poland believe they’ have ciphered this mystery. The secret is about the starch.

A researcher found that a single dose of green tea extract can help people digesting starch in their stomach. In his study, he gave his volunteers the equivalent of drinking a few cups of green tea every day after every time they eat breakfast, and he record the amount of starch left in their bodies. Then he compared those data with people who drink only water during their breakfast. In his result, he found in most subjects, the decreased starch digestion and absorption due to green tea extract was outstanding, and such effects even sustained until the end of the day. Their data suggest green tea extract is an alternative to pharmaceutical inhibitor of glycogen hydrolase enzymes. Compared to that substance, GTE(green tea extract) is cheaper, and available for massive use, so it probably can be use as a treatment to diabetes in the future.

This study only tested the effectiveness of GTE in starch digestion and absorption. However, the other mechanism on human body is still remained to be ambiguous. Indeed, green tea was given credits for many healthy benefits, but there is no direct evidence showing its side effect on things such as against cancer. Country, like Japan, who habitually drink green tea tend to have higher longevity rate, but, still, the evidence is not quiet inclusive. It is better to say that green tea is helpful in stay fit, but, hopefully, in the future, studies like his could figure out those substance really does from the mist.

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New gear using only body as the media to transfer your data

It’s undeniable that Bluetooth redefines ubiquitous.. Bluetooth existed almost everywhere in our personal wearable devices such as your Iphones, smart watches, headset, and speakers… almost every electric devices you can name.

However, What if I tell you Bluetooth is not the ultimate technology anymore? Researchers at the university of California have developed a prototype to reveal a new wireless communication technique which could use the human body itself to help send data between devices. They are saying this tech would outperform any existing wireless gear in today’s world.

The method of transferring data is called “magnetic field human body communication”. The technique uses the body as media to deliver magnetic energy between wearable electronic gadgets, such smart watches or apple belts (which just came out recently). In order to make the transfer successful, the wearable device needs to be circular in nature, like the image shown below.

What’s it advantage? The greatest benefit is its lower power consumption. However Bluetooth devices transmitting data via radio signals made up by electromagnetic radiation, which would be blocked by your bodies themselves. Our bodies created obstructions and result some losing data. In this case, the only thing we use to prevent that situation is to boost the device power. The ultimate result is when you buy a Bluetooth devices, it either end up with a big battery or not very power efficient. Unlike Bluetooth devices, this new gear send data via magnetic field directly through our bodies. Thus the path loss can be cut down to the minimum amount. The researchers say path loss using magnetic field of human body is 10 million times less than using electromagnetic radiation in Bluetooth devices.

One should be not concerned about if using magnetic energy through human body would hurt you health. Researchers are also saying that those signals communication is much less power than things like MRI scanners and wireless implant devices. Small amount of magmatic fields passing through our body should have been a harmless situation, and will not hurts biological tissues.

Compared to Bluetooth, the new tech is way more safe than ever before. Magnetic field communication prevents any kind information leaking, since the signals are largely contained to your body. While this new tech is stilling under developing, such method cannot send data to a remote device such as audio speakers or computer. At the mean time, limitation is actually not bad. Some people like me think increased privacy is more desirable.

the following link to the presentation of this new founding37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

sc200 blue tooth

Traditional Chinese medicine: science or superstition

There are lots of contradictions in such question: would you like to trust a traditional Chinese doctor when you actually got a fever? None of my classmates in previous school would do. Although there is much effort we need to do to fully trust mechanisms of those treatment offered by Traditional Chinese Medicine,(TCM), there is also a growing body of solid proof that indicating some treatments, like acupuncture and herbal medicine, are supported as effective as western medicine by many research.

First, to clear what TCM is, TCM originated in ancient China, and has been developed for thousands years. Basically, TCM doctor use herbal medicine, mind and body practice to treat or to prevent healthy problem. Here in America, there are probably not many authentic TCM practitioners. Most of wield guys you see in china town are possible liars. TMC is not about taking your pulse and telling you how much Yin or Yang or, similarly, how much hot or cold in your body. That would be some old-school science which western doctors might have done 1000 years ago when they diagnose Humours.

It is undeniable that western medicine is effective and faster, but its effects accompanied with harm of some certain organs, then lead the immune regulation system out of balance. That’s why whoever eats too much pills would turn pale and easily get sick. Unlike those purely symptomatic treatments, TMC’s essence is based on the same thing as the Chinese philosophy—”balance”. TMC emphasizes a comprehensive nursing of our body as a whole. For example. Dietary considerations have always held central importance in Chinese medicine. Before other kind of intervention, Traditional Chinese doctors always tend first to their patient’s diet. By adjusting patients’ diet, it is possible to change Yin and Yang in your body. Thus TMC practitioners would help maintaining the balance by suing other substance interfering. Basically, Chinese dietary Therapies are science teaching you how to eat healthily.

Acupuncture are the other way of TMC treatment, it is about insertion of very fine needles through the skin at some certain points on the body with the intention to relief the pain. In TMC theory, acupuncture is based on channel network theory of Qi, the circulating life force. Qi tends to collect and travel along with a certain pattern called Jing Luo. At the places where Qi collect, those are the “meridians” of acupu
ncture. The recent study found that the Jing Luo theory are corresponding with Gate theory of pain.


Acupuncture excites the pain inhibitor
y nerve fibers for a short period of time, thereby blocking pain, but the effects of acupuncture can last for some months after the acupuncture needle has been removed. Another way to explain is counter pain: If pain is created in one part of the body then pain experienced in another part of the body is not noticed. However, there is no explanation about the long term effect of acupuncture in some type of serious pain.

Conclusively, Chinese medicine may have much to offer us in a sense that we could not explain right now.. Actually, the matter is that TMC does work in many aspects, and has been shown to do so. TMC teach us how to prevent illness and disease, how to optimize our health, and how to enhance our being. Looking at those things, it’s never bad to learn good stuffs, right?


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What Is Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Initial blog post

Hey, everyone! I’m a freshman. My name is Jinghao Zhang, and I’m from Kunming, a city in southern China. I’m looking at supply chain management, but I’m currently enrolling at DUS. this is not my first year here in America.  I have actually spent 2 years at a private high  school at Newport New, VA. it was fun, and I really miss those old days.

Speaking about Fun facts of me, I’m really fascinate about religions, especially Buddhism. Given this being said, I have traveled to Tibet twice, and that place impressed me a lot. During my trip to Tibet, there were  a lots of people talking about they want to return  sometimes. This made me feel curious. What draw them back? Rugged mountain, torrential rivers, and  those perilous roads, none of those can  stop them returning time after time. After I finished my trip, I got my own conclusion: this mysterious place awakened my childhood wander and silenced my ego. By batting my life on the road, itmakes me feel alive. If you ever want to travel to Tibet, check  advices here.

About why I’m choosing this course, to be honest, I just don’t feel like I want to spend extra hours on science subject, solving puzzles and equations. Yeah, science loathing, that’s why I’m taking this course. However, I found this professor is an awesome guy, and really interesting. I really expect what I’m going to learn next.
