Well we all do it, or attempt it at least. Andrew mentioned in class that we as humans are HORRIBLE at multi tasking, which is actually pretty comical because most of us think we are great. If we are so bad at this multi tasking thing then why do we all still continue to attempt it when we know that eventually something will have to give.
According to experts there is actually only a very small amount of people in the world who are actually decent at multi tasking in their daily lives, 10% to be exact. That leaves approximately 90% of the population being lousy at this task and you and I most likely are one of them. Arthur Markman, a psychology professor at the University of Texas Austin, states “dividing attention across multiple activities is taxing on the brain, and can often come at the expense of real productivity.”
Most of us al ready know that by doing two things at once, you are not giving it a 100%, yet we see it all over. The most common form of multi tasking I see every single day is students listening to music while doing homework or studying. I have found that listening to music certainly does not benefit me at all but for others it may work, or at least they think it does. As i decided to find out if this was true or not I came across something that made total sense. Listening to music while doing math or something more scientific may not be as problematic as it would be if you were writing an english paper or studying for your language class. This makes total sense because while doing math you are not using the language part of your brain verses writing a paper you are trying to comprehend two linguistic processes, one being the lyrics you are listening to and the second the words you are trying to compose for your paper.
Professor Gloria Mark, a professor in the department of informatics at the University of California, Irvine, along side her colleagues monitored 36 people over a period of three days and captured facial expressions with cameras, and logged heart rates and skin conductivity to determine stress. Results actually showed that humans switch activities roughly every three minutes through out the day. This is a perfect example of our inability to focus in today’s modern world. With all of the technology and resources constantly around us its almost our nature to switch tasks so frequently. My advice to you is to take one day at a time and one task at a time. Plan accordingly so you don’t have to cram all of your school work etc to the last minute. Block out enough time each day to do what you need, and make sure you are fully focussed on that one thing!
I found a fun video that Ellen DeGeneres did on our society and their multi tasking habits. Hope you enjoy!