Author Archives: Reid Baker

The Perfect Girl

Depending on who you ask, every guy has a different opinion on what their perfect girl looks like. Whether it’s tall girls, short girls, tan girls, pale girls, brunettes or blondes, everyone has a different preference. I prefer tan brunettes who played a sport but we all can’t get what we want and we sometimes shy away from our ideal woman. So as one, what is a man’s idea of the “perfect woman?”

According to an article from Fox News, the top 10 qualities men are looking for in their perfect woman are, “confidence, intelligence, unmaterialistic, spontaneity, laid-back, playfulness, sensuality, honesty, independence and supportive.” At first glance most of these traits are very common and obvious but when you look closely, none of the traits have anything to do with physical appearance. There’s this perceived notion that men only care about how a woman looks, but any guy would admit that he’d rather be with someone who was down-to-earth and didn’t look like a supermodel than be with someone who is a supermodel and has an IQ of 40.

There is no perfect mold for the “perfect girl” but it’s safe to say that a basic outline would be someone who is down-to-earth, intelligent, caring, and whatever physical trait you’re into. Another myth is that women think all men want a small, petite blonde, but a study done by concluded that, “40% of guys said that their ideal woman is a size 8-10,” so that busts the myth. The perfect girl will never be found but the hunt for her is almost as exciting as actually finding her.



Can money truly buy happiness?

The old expression goes, “Money can’t buy happiness but I’d rather cry in a Mercedes,” and that is a valid argument but can your happiness be bought? To some, money is life’s greatest treasure and to others, happiness is the best treasure. Our generation has this idea that if we aren’t millionaire stockbrokers on Wall Street like Jordan Belfort, we didn’t have a successful life. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having that kind of drive when looking for a job in this economy but if you work that long and that hard to achieve the financial success of your dreams there is a good chance you didn’t do anything to make yourself happy along the way.

According to Andrew Blackman of the Wall Street Journal, results of researJonah-Hill-and-Margot-Robbie-introducing-Wolf-Of-Wall-Street-at-the-Golden-Globes-January-2014ch done over years and years suggests, “people with higher incomes are, broadly speaking, happier than those who struggle to get by.” Obviously someone who doesn’t have to live paycheck-to-paycheck will be happier in life but that doesn’t mean that they are necessarily “happy with their life” their life is just easier than most. For example: in most movies involving a wealthy family, the father is never around to see his children and the mother is either shopping or laying by the pool where she “shouldn’t be disturbed.” Granted, they live in a huge mansion and vacation to Europe 6 times a year, but they are not a happy family.

In an interview with Susie Poppick of, economist Justin Wolfers concluded after research on the issue that, “the relationship between income and happiness is extremely strong. When I say rich countries are happier than poor countries, I don’t know whether it’s the greater money that makes the average American happy or whether it’s the greater opportunities.” Wolfers’ argument is that greater income leads to greater opportunities which could possibly lead us to a happier life. The problem with answering the question, “can money buy happiness?” is that everyone’s definition of a happy life varies. There is no correct answer to the question, it must be answered by each and everyone of us if having more money makes us happier.

Money is coveted by everyone and having a lot of it is extremely nice, but on your journey to financial success make sure you don’t lose sight of the things that make you happy because once you achieve your goal you could be left alone with all that money and no one to spend it with.





Hello everyone! My name is Reid Baker and I am a freshman from Middletown, NJ which is about 5 minutes from the beach. I chose this course because my advisor highly recommended it to kids who didn’t have an interest in science or who weren’t very good at science. All throughout high school and middle school, the science that we were learning never appealed to me and I never wanted to further study it.

I intend on majoring in digital and print journalism in the College of Communications so this course is helping fulfill my natural science requirements. I’ve always enjoyed writing and thinking critically so I feel that the skills that will be taught in this class will help me develop my critical thinking skills even further which will help me in my communication classes.

Here’s a picture from my camping trip I took in July with my family. IMG_2179

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