Oh boy, science…

Hey guys,

My name is Julia Gallelli and I am a junior here at the best school ever…

Why am I taking this course?

I am taking this course to fulfill my science general education requirement. My major is currently Media Journalism, and I am a student in the College of Communications. I plan on switching my major to Public Relations next semester. However, even though my major is unrelated to science, I am very interested in learning about the various topics listed on the syllabus. The last science course I took was Earth Science about one year ago. I enjoyed participating in the different labs. I chose this course because you really don’t need a lot of background knowledge to excel in the class.

Why am I not planning to be a science major?

I find science intriguing. We are science. We live in science. Science is all around us…but where I excel is in communication. I am excited to pursue a career in the field of Public Relations working for a nonprofit organization. People tend to see PR representatives as the “bad guys,” the ones who cover up people’s messes. What people do not see is that there are some, including myself, whose missions are to communicate positive messages about good organizations to the public.

This summer I interned for an information technology company in New Jersey called NJ OIT. I was in charge of the rebranding of the Policy Planning and Customer Service department. I was also assisted in event planning and spreading the word about upcoming company events. I organized Customer Service Week and handled all of the marketing/PR aspects involved with that week-long event. For all of you science gurus out there, that probably sounds like the most boring thing on the planet to you- sorry.

I am currently interviewing with a PR firm in New York City and a start-up company in Brooklyn for a summer PR position. I have always been a more creative, talkative soul. I chose to pursue a career in the art of creative speaking.

For anyone else in this class that MAY be interested in Public Relations or media management, I would advise you to read the news and watch the news every single solitary day…sometimes even by the hour. You should also read articles like the one I posted below on a consistent basis as PR changes daily. Here is one to help you see how you can succeed in this field:



See you in class!


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