Hi everyone! My name is Maria and I am a freshman from right outside of Pittsburgh. I was originally only signed up for this class because it was recommended during my freshmen orientation, but I’m actually very excited for the course. Certain aspects of science have always interested me, but there was never a moment when I went “wow this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.” I made it through your basic chemistry and biology classes without too much of a struggle, but these science classes were just never something I particularly looked forward to. The only exception to this would be the science class I took my senior year, astronomy. My teacher for this class was so interactive and open to new ideas that it was impossible to lose interest. When I saw that we had to post a link in our blog post, a video that this teacher shared with my class popped into my mind, immediately. You can watch it by clicking here.
Currently major-less, I hope that within the next couple of semesters, I’m able to find something I’m very passionate about. I’m leaning towards the direction of business, but my indecisiveness stopped me from applying directly to Smeal. I’m looking forward to this class because it brings in the interesting side of science, without any pressure to memorize formulas or periodic tables.
Hi Maria!
I am a hospitality management major, so you can tell from my major that a ton of science is not a part of my future professional life. Like you, there are certain branches of science that interest me, but I do not want to pursue science in my career. For example, I have for some reason always been fascinated by the human brain and how it functions with mental disorders.