Do Microwaves Cause Cancer?

We’re college students, and therefore a microwave is our best friend. Half of us don’t even have kittens, and out of those who do, half of them don’t know how to cook. We rely on microwaves more than you think, for that late night easy mac, or left chinese from the night before. So what do we do when we hear rumors about microwaves causing cancer, we’ll we investigate them


The process that most cooking undergoes is known as thermal dynamics, where the food is warmed on the outer layers and cooks within. Microwaves cook the opposite way however, from the inside out. Alternating atoms used in other forms of cooking cannot undertake the power of a microwave, causing all of the molecules to rearrange. Radiolytic compounds are also created in microwavable cooking. These radiolytic compounds When these compounds enter the body, cellular activity is interrupted causing anaerobic energy. Anaerobic energy is the body working without much oxygen, causing much fatigue. These type of energy can also lead to cancer. Cancer called die in oxygen, and therefore prosper in anaerobic environments. Therefore, according to Hans Hertel, a Natural News author, microwaves can indeed cause cancer.

However, if microwaves really are so cancerous, then why are they still so common? This is because there are still many doubts to the cancerous microwave theory. According to Jane Lear, who got her information from the Health Physics Society, no microwaves are not harmful. unknownSure, they give off radiation, but radiation so small it would show no effects on humans or have any detrimental effects on human DNA.  The Food and Drug administration have to approvethe radiations level of the microwave, ensuring it’s safety, before it is sold on the market. All sold microwaves must have two lock systems to prevent the radiation from leaking. To prepare for when the lock systems do not work, and another system known as the monitoring system is put in place to prevent the microwave from being able to open until the radiation is gone. According to Fitness Professional, Nick Tumminello, any actual incidences like burns or serious diseases like cancer need require much more radiation than the approved 5mW microwaves produce.

So don’t worry, to my fellow college students, please continue eating your leftovers for breakfast and those microwave dinners when you are sick of the dining hall food. Because as of today, while there are small concerns, there is no real evidence to prove that microwaves can actually cause cancer to humans.

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