I am a freshman and I have been here for almost a month and I have already caught the cold that’s been spreading around campus. Now my theory is because of the dining halls. Everyone touches the spoons multiple times and no one sanitizes their hands each time they grab a new spoon or utensil. This means that the germs are getting all over multiple people’s hands. A majority of people do not was their hands before they begin to eat their food and that’s how the sickness is spreading. Another thing is that when people are sick they still come to class. They are then coughing all over the place also spreading around the sickness. Another theory are the residence halls once someone gets it in the residence hall everyone gets it. For me I was okay but my roommate got sick which later spread to me. I am sure this is something common for everyone else. Since they’re communal bathrooms and everyone gets on the elevator this is another way for people to get sick. Overall since everything is shared it’s very easy to catch something from someone else and get sick. Germs are everywhere and they’re easily spread. But it’s a never ending cycle because of the people coming to class sick which includes myself. People when they are sick they’ll come to class anyway but that spreads more germs. I along with many of those people believe in going to class even if sick. Why? For one we all want to get an education. Number two these classes are not free. Number three missing class could cause someone to be behind and it will affect their grades. Does anyone else see where I am coming from? Can anyone else see the overlap? My solution would be to always wash my hands before touching anything or before I go to touch my food or anything like that. I would also wear one of those medical masks. I personally am not one of the people who are germo-phobes but I get very sick quickly and I would prefer not to get sick. For me personally I have a crappy immune system where once I get sick it’s very hard for me to get better. It takes especially long to get better even with the simple things like a common cold. I caught this cold going around two weeks ago. It’s been two weeks of me being sick non-stop with no progression of getting better. Another bad thing with having my immune system is whatever thing I get it makes me get my asthma. I have had asthma since I was three months old. But in recent years every time I get sick I get my asthma which leads to issues with breathing. In my experience since I have gotten here not only has sharing things lead me to being sick but also just walking around. When I am rushing specifically to this class since I come from the Hammond building people are always blowing smoke in my face. So not only am I already sick with breathing issues but things like this makes it work. The medical mask and washing my hands seems to be the very solution for me. I wonder does anyone else go through things like this? If so how do, they deal with it? How well do people deal with overall sickness and going to class?
One thought on “Why I think students are sick in class and are sick in general”
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Cleary there are multiple causes for sicknesses. While you mentioned the elevator, I think it is more important to state what about the elevator. In my building, there are at least 200 kids coming in and out every day. I, for one, tend to take the stairs, but those who don’t obviously use the elevator. Think about every time the buttons get pushed a day. It has to be 1,000 per day. At least. This is such a simplistic, yet overviewed way of spreading germs! One reason why you have probably been sick is because your adjusting. Our freshman class alone is full of approximately 8,600 students, all coming from different backgrounds and ethnicities. You’re body may still be getting used to this new environment. Also, stress could always be a factor, wearing your body out. Here are a few hacks (http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20752945,00.html) to hopefully get your through the rest of the semester. Hope you start to feel better!