Enjoy the Sunshine and Get Healthily!

With the development of internet, more and more people choose to work at home instead of running out under the sunshine. Also, many people are afraid to go under the sun, because the sunlight will hurt our skin and it is hard to get it back. However, whether it is a good choice to avoid meeting with the sun is a question I am researching for this passage.


After reading an article online, I concluded three important benefits of spending time with sunlight. First of all, it can prevent people from short sight. Through the research written from an university department in Australia, it is important to know that the sunshine stimulates the growing of dopamine which can help focalizing the light correctly in eyes. Furthermore, basking can prevent people from sickness or diseases. The sunlight increases the amount of Vitamin D in our body which helps our blood circulation and possess immunity enhancement and then decreases the frequency of sickness. And also this idea is proved by the Yale University. Moreover, the most interesting thing is that basking can help us to extend life-span. Since people choose to exercise under the sunshine instead of working in their office, they get a stronger body to live which prevent most of them from serious disease.

Therefore, sunlight is beneficial to most of people. However, it is also important to know that basking is a way to get healthier but only if you feel comfortable about that. And one more suggestion is that it is important to avoid hanging out around noon during the summer time. Otherwise, you may get sick because of the high temperature. In the end, I’d like to say that winter is almost coming and let us catch the tail of summer. Enjoy the Sunshine and get healthily.

Below is the link I got information from and also you can click it if you want to get more information about benefits of sunshine.What Are the Benefits of Sunlight

One thought on “Enjoy the Sunshine and Get Healthily!

  1. Xander Roker

    Sunlight can be both helpful and harmful, which makes me wonder if there is any way to measure a healthy good amount of time to be in the sun during the day. Would it be measured in time, in UV rays? Everyone knows that too much sun can be harmful and cause sickness (skin cancer) but I read that too little sun can also cause certain forms of cancer (prostate cancer) My cousin has a sun allergy – a normal amount of sun for us is extremely harmful for her – reading your post made me wonder how avoiding the sun negatively affects her.

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