Singing in the Shower can lead to Happiness

There are classic movie scenes of singing in the shower, Spotify playlists literally called “Songs to Sing in the Shower” and, references to the action all the time in conversations, but are there any benefits of it other than it being super fun? Answer: Yes!

According to Music.Mic, a website that looks into music and science alike, singing in the shower can improve immune systems as well as sleep cycles. Since these people are singingImage result for singing in the shower more, it allows the body to
stretch its muscles to the fullest extent, as well as relax more at night.

The fad of singing in the shower is taking over the media, so there must be some more benefits, I thought.  Singing releases endorphins, which are chemicals that make the body feel good. So while you sing in the shower, your body is getting clean, as well as getting emotionally more positive. In an Australian study done in 2008, it was found that choral singing actually was the most beneficial to ones health, but I think shower singing is cooler. Image result for singing in the shower easy a

Additionally, improved heart health has been linked to singing in the shower, since a release of Cortisol happens, which decreases stress. So the more people sing, the more they release this chemical, and the more heart health they will have. According to Siecne: How Stuff Works, singing can be considered aerobic, since it helps bring oxygen to the brain, which will keep spirits up as well as boost circulation through the blood stream.

Image result for singing in the shower quotesFrom what we have learned in class, there could be a null hypothesis: singing in the shower doesn’t effect a person’s health at all or an alternative hypothesis: that singing in the show will effect a person’s health for better or for worse. I have not found an experiment, however I don’t think it would be to hard to find out that singing in the shower is good for you, since all the psychological reasons line up.

singing in the shower song

3 thoughts on “Singing in the Shower can lead to Happiness

  1. Katherine Guerney

    I think that you brought up a topic that many people can relate to. Although I don’t sing in the shower, I do hear many people on my floor singing in the shower when I walk into the bathroom. It’s interesting that singing can release a hormone that helps reduce stress, however, I think that this topic is a little hard since studies would be hard to perform. You mentioned a study that shows how choral singing proves to be best for one’s health, so I think that it would have been cool if you explored that topic more and maybe found subsequent studies. Another interesting topic would be the reasoning behind why people prefer warm or cold showers. I found this article which explains some studies that Yale University conducted to test if people prefer warmth if they want to feel better. The article doesn’t state how many people were used in the studies and the first study was based on a questionnaire, so the results cannot be deemed completely reliable. However, I think that it shows adequate evidence for more studies to be conducted.

  2. Madeline Elizabeth Dittrich

    It’s good to know that singing in the shower can be good for me, after all! Your blog brought up a few interesting points, and now I know that singing releases endorphins, which I didn’t know before. I love singing, and I do it all the time. In fact people usually have to tell me to stop singing so much because it’s annoying. It makes sense that singing makes people feel good. I thought it was interesting that singing allows the body to “stretch”, and that makes perfect sense when I think about it. Singing allows people to open up their whole bodies because when we sing, we are producing such a loud sound.

  3. Matthew O'Brien

    I thought this was an amusing topic of discussion for a blog, however I feel that you did not answer your own question! The benefits of singing are well-documented, but I would be curious to see if doing so while in the shower makes any difference. Does the venue or time of day affect the types of benefits derived? If you cannot find any relevant studies, what might a good one look like and what would we learn from the results? These are the question I wish you would have answered in your post.

    Also, your hyperlink is just a link to Google’s search results page!

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