What is the Final Frontier?



When it comes to this topic there actually is a huge debate raging, what is Mankinds final frontier? Is it the deep blue sea that we have barely scratched the surface on or is it the big vast empitness we call space? I would argue it is Space. Space was the way our ancestors navigated their ways across the lands and oceans, to the  constellations that told the stories of their heroes and legends. To us today in which we think we know a lot about space however there is still so much to learn from space. But before we dig into the meat of the issue lets see where we have come as a species with our understanding of space and the universe as a whole.

First there was Aristotle that actually set forth the idea of the Earth being the center of the universe with everything rotating around us in perfect circles. Ptolemy would come along centuries later and improve upon Aristotle’s vague idea of the Earth being the center of the universe Ptolemy actually gave the theory a name, Geocentric model. For years the Geocentric model was held as true and right, even being adopted by the Church as the correct model since it played into the teaching of Earth being God’s most perfect creation and that we as humans are the best thing etc. Millenia would pass until one man, Nicolas Copernicus, would challenge the idea of Geocentric and actually put forth the idea of Heliocentric in which we rotate around the Sun and that we are not the center of the universe. Next would come Tycho Brahe who would improve upon this Heliocentric model and actually gain credible evidence to the idea of this, he in turn would hire Johannes Kepler the man would formulate the equations for Planetary Motion which included finding that our orbits were indeed not a perfect circle but more of a ellipses or oval shape, he would also explain the tides being affected by the moon, and the fact that the location of the planets to the Sun played a key factor in how fast the planet moved around the sun, i.e. Pluto is moving very slow and Mercury is moving very quick around the Sun. Finally Galileo would put the nail in the coffin regarding if Copernicus was right when he made the telescope that could magnify 30x and eventually published his own papers regarding the universe. With all of these ideas added up together Isaac Newton was able to formulate Gravity, he realized that with Kepler and Galileo’s ideas the same thing that causes objects to fall to the ground and the reason we are all still on the planet is the same thing that keeps the planets in the orbit they follow. From the beginning we see that we have come a long long way with our knowledge of the universe. Luckily we have technology on our side now, especially with the Hubble Telescope. So that begs the question what is left?

The answer is a lot more complex than we could ever hope to imagine right now. However we are making leaps and bounds when it comes to uncovering more and more of the truth. Such as the European Space Agency and NASA have teamed up and launched a new initiative regarding the Hubble Space Telescope, going farther beyond the Hubble Deep Field Telemetery or even Hubble Ultra Deep Field Telemetery. Right now as we are speaking there are many pictures being taken apart of the Frontier Fields program which has discovered many different new galaxies and even found the oldest galaxy to date which was formed a few hundred million years after the Big Bang which is crazy. However even more on that point is the fact that Hubble astronomers observed 16 background galaxies whose light is distorted so much that they form many images in the sky. This will let astronomers know and improve upon models of the mass in the clusters of the galaxies, both in matter and dark matter. Dark matter I should explain is something that cannot be seen by telescopes or anything really but it can be inferred through gravitional influences it has on objects and makes up a vast majority of the known universe. Let me know what you guys believe our final frontier is and why ou believe it is that for a reason.


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