
Binocular Dysfunction? I know you probably just said those two words out loud and thought what? I’ve never heard of that! Yeah well I didn’t either until summer of 2015. I went for an eye check up because I was having trouble seeing at night to drive. The Doctor did a bunch of eye tests and then he looked and me and said “I believe you have something called binocular dysfunction” I was confused I never heard of anything like this before. So the doctor started to explain that it’s a condition where the eyes don’t line up properly especially when reading and the eyes are also sensitive to bright lights. I also discovered that this is a pretty common condition but it is usually found earlier in life about third or fourth grade. Related image

Everyone remembers the eye tests we had to get done in grade school, right? Well I always scored 20/20 on those. Often times the people with 20/20 do have other issues they just can’t be detected through certain tests. This is why it was so hard for my eye problem to be detected for so many years.


An article I found from Hope Clinic talks a lot about binocular dysfunction and what a student has to go through in order to get their eyes fixed. The side effects of this eye problem lead to test anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. I know this because I am living breathing proof of them. Ever since I entered college I have begun to hate reading more and more and I never knew why. It is because of my eye vision that I have struggled so much with college thus far. I fell into a deep depression. I have panic attacks when I have to read aloud in class and my test anxiety has shot through the roof.

Below is a video that explains a little bit more about what binocular dysfunction is.

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Sources: article source

video link



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