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It’s the most annoying thing in the world. No questions asked. The worst. Having a song stuck in your head all day, probably not even a song you like! Probably just one line or even tune from a song. But why? Why does a song get stuck in our head and it feels impossible to get rid of it till the next annoying song comes through.
This article articulates how and why songs get stuck in our heads, and really there’s no reason. Great. It goes on to describe that really the reason we get a song stuck in our head is because we recognize the song and probably find the tune catchy enough for us to want to keep singing it, even if we can’t hear it.
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A song may be more likely to get stuck in your head if it was a childhood song you heard a lot. According to this article, it can my psychological. Hearing certain songs can trigger memories and emotions and cause the song to get stuck in your head. Further in the article it talks about how there can be treatments to ‘ear worms’. You can try by singing other songs with different tunes and that could potentially flush out the original song, but then you run the risk of getting the new song stuck in your head. Also light exercise or mind stimulating activities like puzzles could help.
Whether it’s a song you love or hate we’ve all been there. From the research done by experts, we get songs stuck in our head because of exposure and rhythm in our mind, and there isn’t really a ‘cure’ to it other than learning to distract yourself from it.