I was feeling EPIC.

While my last two posts centered around animated television shows, I swear this one finally involves real people. The show we will talk about this week is yet another binge I embarked on during the quarantine pandemic era. I tried to watch The Vampire Diaries many times throughout my life, and during COVID, I finally watched it to completion.

Vampire Diaries (série) : Saisons, Episodes, Acteurs, ActualitésImage Source: IMDb

Let’s just say, after watching the show’s final episode, I hysterically cried for two hours.

If you’re not familiar with The Vampire Diaries, it follows the story of troubled teenager Elena Gilbert and her love triangle relationship with two attractive vampire brothers, Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Each season follows a crazy adventure of supernatural creatures, exciting romance, and plenty of heartbreak. Think of Twilight but just a LOT better.

My biggest takeaway from the show is that even as flawed humans, we are all worthy of love—and not just romantic love, but true, meaningful relationships, whether it be family or friends. We see the most twisted and flawed characters—Damon, Klaus, Rebekah— who deem themselves unworthy of love, soften as they find someone that thaws their frozen heart. It reminds us that even when we feel alone, there is someone out there who can relate to us.

Loneliness and feelings of insecurity are states that I am sure many of us can relate to. However, these emotions can be destructive to one’s health. Often these feelings arise out of isolation or lack or human interaction, and in those times, loneliness can be an omnipresent enemy that threatens the stability of our mental state. If we let these feelings control us enough, they can fester into deeper-rooted thoughts, like that we may be incapable of genuine inter-personal connections. Believe me, I’ve been there. I find that one of the scariest thoughts in life is the fear of being unlovable.

When I’m feeling this way, I typically turn on The Vampire Diaries (I think it’s safe to say The Vampire Diaries is one of my comfort shows). Interestingly enough, almost all of the characters in the show are not entirely human, yet they represent to us this achingly human dilemma. As the show progresses, their relationships become increasingly complex, and we see how even those who once struggled with their identity can find someone that is the yin to their yang.

The Vampire Diaries reminds me that I am enough, that even though I am not a perfect human (or even supernatural for that matter), I am worthy of love and valuable relationships.


One thought on “I was feeling EPIC.”

  1. As someone who has never watched The Vampire Diaries, this post has definitely compelled me to watch it. You did a great job of exploring the deeper themes embedded in this show and relating it to feelings most people have experienced, which highlights why we we find ourselves watching shows over and over again. It is interesting to think about how significant TV and media have become in our lives and how they can make us instantly feel better.

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