
  • This is a new coalition that has been created with the goal to advocate for change, action and inclusion within science.
  • We support the accurate representation of science in policy, education and society, while promoting the success of a diverse generation of scientists.
  • We hope to be a place to consolidate and amplify the best and most effective practices that support science and scientists at Penn State and elsewhere.

Our first meeting is Tuesday November 15th at 5:30p in 401 Steidle.

The Penn State chapter of the Association for Women Geoscientists will be hosting a large-scale interdisciplinary brainstorming forum for a plan of action: not just for women, not just for those in the Geoscience Department, but as a science community in general. What can we do to make sure that climate change doesn’t go to the wayside? What can we do to ensure women’s rights and equality within the sciences? We have a voice. We have a community. We have a platform as scientists from which to speak: now, what can we do?

We plan to break up into smaller groups to address ideas for action for the some of the following topics:

Educating the public, including policy makers, about climate change and promoting action: what can we do to put climate change on the front lines of issues our country needs to address?
Advocating for women and minority scientists
Supporting scientists on international visas
Discussing the future of government science funding and jobs
If you have another idea for which there is interest, we can accommodate this too
This forum will be held on Tuesday November 15th at 5:30p in 401 Steidle. All concerned are welcome.

I know a lot of us are feeling a bit down… it’s hard, but we need to remember we’re here together. This will not be to discuss negative political feelings, but to figure out how we can move forward as a climate and science community and keep progressing! Instead of sinking back and feeling a sense of overwhelming defeat, can we come together and have a voice. No one’s opinions should be overlooked. Tuesday will be a positive discussion: a discussion about change, action, and inclusion — not a discussion about hate.

Start thinking. Come prepared with ideas for initiatives and topics to lobby for. Invite your friends – all departments, all genders. Let’s come together. Let’s take action.