Writing into the night: A recap of our second International Write-In

illustration of pencil circling pencil drawing representing the continentsOn Sunday, April 23, the University Libraries hosted 71 undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff who participated in our second International Write-In at University Park. For eight hours, participants committed to working on writing, digging into assignments, and trying to finish off papers and articles before the end of the semester. Staged in the Mann Assembly Room, this event was planned in collaboration with the Learning Center and the Graduate Writing Center. With snacks, coffee, tea, writing consultants, and librarians, we were able to provide support and productive spaces for our writers. Including our volunteers, our total attendance was 82 people!

We hope to keep up the tradition and host another International Write-In this fall. Our primary audience continues to be graduate students and the committee hopes to expand our partners for future events. The participants expressed their gratitude for the space, snacks and atmosphere of productivity at this busy time of the semester.

Hosting the International Write-In is a team event and we have many individuals to thank. First, we’d like to send a big thanks to PRaM for help in promoting the event and providing beautiful graphics and signage. We’d also like to thank Joe Salem for his pizza support and Megan Gilpin for her pizza ordering wisdom. Thanks to Len White and the rest of the facilities crew for helping get the event set up. Finally, we’d like to thank Rachel White and Paul Burnell for their help the day of the event. We couldn’t have done it without you!

– submitted by Hailley Fargo, Knowledge Commons