Tag Archives: Central African Republic

Visit the Central African Republic



The Central African Republic is one of the most vibrant places you could ever want to see and has various species of wildlife that are quite the sight.  As you can see in the picture above there are beautiful rivers to look at surrounded by jungle.  The climate is tropical and experiences a wet season in which it rains almost everyday.  These rainy seasons are what leads to having such amazing rivers in which people use to travel on and can be incredible to explore as you observe the wildlife and amazing scenery that surrounds the banks.  As you can see from the picture the Central African Republic is quite vibrant, the jungles are full of life and plants that can only be found in these areas.  Within these jungles are some of the most jaw-dropping waterfalls you will ever see, the rivers cut through the jungle and rush over the edge creating a movie-like scene.


As can be seen in this picture seeing these sights in person would be an event you will remember for the rest of your life.  The Central African Republic is a great example of how great of a place Africa is to travel to.  Many people do not realize all of the sights and fun that can be had when traveling to Africa.  The Central African Republic is also home to many different types of wildlife that can be seen in their natural habitat.  Experiencing these animals in the wild instead of a cage at the zoo is so much more exciting and memorable.  There are many beautiful species that can be seen like forest elephants and lowland gorillas located in the southern regions.  In the north there are lions, leopards and rhinos along with many other types of wildlife.  One of the best parts about visiting the Central African Republic is the area has not had so much human interference as most places on earth.  There is a very small amount of light pollution so at night the stars can be seen incredibly clearly, it really helps you to connect with what life was like before humans began building cities and polluting the air.  The natural beauty that exists in the Central African Republic is astonishing and unfortunately most people will never experience it.

Not only is the landscape and physical features incredible, the people who live there are as well.  These people live everyday so differently than Americans do but their way of life is so interesting to experience.  The villages work together as they all try to survive of off the land by growing crops, gathering food and hunting. While this feat is not easy the part that really should be touched on is the sense of togetherness and family that the Central African Republicans have, they look out for one another and always try to help when they can.  Ideals and values like this have been seemingly lost in America and need to return being a good person should never go out of style.  So book your flight today for a life changing experience as you see unforgettable rivers, jungles, waterfalls, wildlife, and an amazing culture.

Shane Galloway