Tag Archives: Colonization

Colonization in America and Africa

The colonization of America began with the explorations of the early European explorers from England, Spain, Italy, Portugal and France. The reasons the first explorers wanted to colonize America were to build great empires, increase power in Europe, prestige, wealth, opportunities for trade and spreading the Christian religion. Although many people believe that Christopher Columbus first discovered America in 1492, America was actually discovered many times. Asians were the first people to come to North America, crossing the Bering Strait and entering Alaska at least 30,000 years ago. Accordingly, Europeans first came to North America during the 1000s and the Vikings landed in the area in which Massachusetts is located today.

The colonization of Africa by European countries was is an important factor in understanding the present condition of the African continent and of the African people. Colonization influenced not only the political and economic development, but also shaped the way the Africans perceived themselves. France and Britain were the two largest colonial powers in Africa as they controlled two-thirds of Africa before World War I. The reason Europe wanted to colonize Africa was because they were interested in gathering scientific knowledge about the unknown or the “Dark Continent.” It was a mystery for European explorers, many of which were geographers and scientists, traveled, observed, and recorded what they saw.

The colonial experiences between America and Africa differ significantly in terms of the perception of slavery. In 1619, the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia. They helped with the production of crops and tobacco and nevertheless helped with the economic foundation in America. Although there was a growing debate over the slavery, the legacy of slavery continued. Although America was importing approximately 6 to 7 million slaves to the New World during the 18th century let alone to fulfill their mass production and prosper, Africans were exported out of their country to gain wealth. In Africa, villages or large clans typically held lands and they were given according to the families need. Nevertheless, to increase the amount of land, the number of laborers had to be increased in the family; they had no choice but to invest being slaves for distant villages. Furthermore, the Atlantic slave was developed in the mid 15th century in which the European colonies tried to expand their possessions in the New World by bringing 12 million slaves from West and west central Africa to Atlantic for sale in Portuguese-administered Brazil. Accordingly, the Atlantic slaves differ differed from previous slavery in its huge scope as well as its importance to the economics for world power. While the African slavery was practiced to help the communities increase land ownership, to gain food, and to gainwealth, America conducted slave labor for economic gain as well as for colonial powers. Gradually, slavery for Africa became more of a structural element with an increase demand for slavery.

The similarities, however, between the colonial experiences for America and Africa was that both countries were colonized by Europeans. One of the major motives the Europeans ventured these countries were to spread the Christian ideals. As well, there were religious freedom both Africa and America. There was variety of religions in America: Puritans and Pilgrams in Massachusetts, Quakers in Pennsylvania, and Catholics in Maryland represented the religious diversity as well as religious freedom. Nevertheless, many faiths coexisted in the colonies. In Africa, they practice varied religions such as Christianity and Islam. Also, the economic practice was similar during the colonial age; there was an emphasis on exploitation of raw materials for exporting the most profitable natural resources in each colony.

Regardless of the history of Africa and America, colonization helped develop into the nation they are today. Furthermore, it helps us to understand more about the perception and the ideals they have about slavery in both nations.




Colonization of Somalia

During the early colonization of Somalia there was a competition between multiple countries to seize Somalian territory. In the early 19th century England, France, Italy, Ethiopia, and Egypt all seized land from this country for their own agendas. This is similar to what happened in the Americas. Where there were three main countries Spain, England and France that claimed territories and even fought wars over them, as seen in the French and Indian war.  Egypt was the first player to seize territory in Somalia in 1875. However, 5 years later the British and French players pushed the Egyptians out of Somalia. This is also seen with the French that originally wanted a portion of Egypt for a coal station in order to strengthen international relations with china. However, they were unable to receive the territory so they occupied a portion of Somalia instead.  The French region was around Djibouti known as Côte Françcaise des Somalis and remained a colony until they gained their independence in 1977 becoming the Republic of Djibouti. This again is very similar to what happened in the Americas the colonies that were set by the occupying countries later became states, or in the case of South America and Canada, they became countries.somalia_colonial_map

After France had taken their portion it was between Italy, Britain, and Ethiopia to claim their portions. Ethiopia like every other African country was excluded from the Berlin Conference of 1884 and England and Italy divided the country. The English took the north and the Italians took the south. The English occupied the territory to the north in order to safe guard their trade route through the Suez Canal that had been open in 1869. This was a strategic location for their ships going back and forth from Asia. The Italians took a similar approach, because they needed a foothold along the Indian Ocean Coast. During colonization in both the Americas and Africa, occupation of key terrain is seen allot. The European countries were not only trying to take from the countries they were colonizing, but also compete against other European countries by blocking them off from territories or forcing them out. 

The other country that had their hand in the colonization of Somalia was Ethiopia. During the colonization period Ethiopia remained free from European occupation. The two countries shared the east and west boarders, which allowed Ethiopia to gain power over Somalia and become a treat to European Nations. Their leader Emperor Menelik II competed with Britain and Italy over Somalia territory claiming that it was part of Ethiopia. Emperor Menelik prevailed and received small divisions of the land that they competed over. A similar comparison to this would be that of the Native Americans during early colonization of the United States. In the 1700s the Natives fought against the Europeans, and continued resistance later as the colonist pushed west through their lands.        

            The one thing that Somalians weren’t effected on, that most countries in Africa during colonization period were, was slavery. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, going to Somalia for slaves was a waste in recourses for the western countries, because of the distance they would have to travel to collect them. They instead could go to closer locations to receive their slaves. The second reason was religion slavery was primarily based off racism. However the Somalia people were already engaged to Islam, so they shared the same religious beliefs as the Arabic countries that made them less acceptable to being enslaved. In conclusion Somalia and the Americas share many similarities in their colonization processes. It can be seen from the distribution of areas on the continent that later became states and countries to the defensive stance of the natives in those countries.




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Africa and US Colonization

Shane Galloway

While the United States of America and almost all of Africa were once colonize by the Europeans their experiences were quite different.  First off with the colonization of the United States, the people who settled there came from Europe and were not the native people.  While the Native Americans were already there the Europeans travelled to the United States in hopes of a new life in the New World.  Going there gave people a second chance or in some cases the freedom they were looking for.  Many settlers left England for religious reasons as they wanted to practice the way they wanted to not the way the king told them to.  When looking at the colonization of Africa it was more the European powers coming in and taking control of the existing cities and settlements the native Africans had already established.  A similarity between the American colonies and African ones is that both eventually fought for and gained their independence from the countries that were ruling over them.  This is a big step for both as now they are finally free to live as they want and do not have to worry about answering to some European power.  A difference between the colonization of America and Africa is how it started.  With the African colonization, European leaders held the Berlin Conference.  At this event they established ground rules for colonizing Africa, but no African leaders or representatives were present to talk about their feelings on the matter.  On the other hand in the Americas it was a free for all as European powers tried to grab all the land and riches they could.  The British colonists had to deal with the French and Spanish and even got into the French-Indian War fighting over the Midwest of the United States.  With the Berlin Conference the African countries had no say in what happened just like in America.  The American colonists began to rebel because of many reasons including one slogan “Taxation Without Representation” the colonists wanted a voice in government matters and neither Africa or America had them.  Religion played a large part in the American colonization and had a huge impact on the African one as well that most people do not think about.  The settlers in America believed that bringing the pagan slaves to their Christian world would be better for them than leaving them in Africa and being free.  The Europeans also felt this way and began trading with the Africans for their people.  One African king was even quoted to have said we have three things to trade with you, to a European merchant, “Men, women, and children.”  This way of thinking was terrible and it is hard to believe looking back that people thought this was acceptable.  The slave trade was one of the worst human events to ever happen and was wrong by both sides.  People should never be treated that way.  I think that slavery continues to have an impact on current events as you see people rebelling in countries with oppressing governments.  They say we learn about history to not make the same mistakes twice and make better decisions in the future.  As some governments try to control their people it is almost like turning them into their own slaves.  If the people are not free to do what they wish and are always being bossed around then that is almost like a modern day form of slavery.  Looking at a country like North Korea, although not much is known about it because they are so secretive and highly secured the people there have so little freedom.  They are not allowed to leave the borders and most do not have access to the internet or any type of contact from the outside world.  They are being enslaved by their leaders and should not be treated that way.  I believe that people need to treat others more as equals if we are to truly have a fair world.