Veronica’s design for the Brooklyn Fire Station revolves around a geometric roof. The roof serves as a visual icon among the rigid rectangular forms in its context along a historically industrial waterfront. It offers a unique opportunity for structural flexibility for the large apparatus and other related program within. The roof takes a very interesting form because of its geodesic qualities, however, the current design does not take full advantage of the system the roof creates. To finalize the structure and cohesiveness of systems needed for the final design, Veronica should create a series of rules that will organize and bring unity to the roof structure and the program within the firehouse.
Veronica’s design for the firehouse is successful in engaging the surrounding environment with a geometric roof. The roof structure is clearly the most interesting part of this project. It attracts attention because of its visual uniqueness. For the specific program of a firehouse, this structure presents an opportunity because of the openness it allows for the apparatus. With less columns, there can be flexible interpretations of the space within the roof. The design does not yet take advantage of this flexibility to develop a relationship between the interior spaces and the roof.
One commendable aspect of Veronica’s project are her efforts with structural design. However, the efforts have produced 3 different structural systems that must be resolved into a clear structure. Currently, there are structural systems of walls, columns and the dome. These systems are conflicting. The critics suggest that the structural walls should not be necessary and are not in agreement with your concept. Also, the additional columns inside do not follow a structural logic.
In addition, the critics suggested that the structural idea is there but it needs to be carried out more rigorously through the programmatic organization. The dormitory is the current exception to the interior because it is on a diagonal. The firetrucks could also follow a diagonal logic with their circulation. The relationship between the interpretations of the interior spaces needs resolution. These issues can be resolved through clarifying the structural system.
Overall, I think Veronica represented her ideas well. A strong element of this presentation is the use of models. The models are both effective to visualize the shape and test the structure. There was a strong analysis of precedent through the Geodesic dome and similar structures. Veronica has clearly explored various structural systems that could support her form. Her challenge now is to clarify her own design among these precedents.
With so much emphasis placed on the structural system, there was little feedback on her other systems, sustainability, and site design. It appears as if you have considered natural light and ventilation, and I would encourage you to reevaluate the other systems in collaboration with the structure.
In the design development phase of design, the critique focused on the Industrial and Civic Orders of Worth. At this point, our designs have developed beyond the conceptual phase and the building systems take focus. There was a strong and immediate focus on the Industrial order. One of the major factors of evaluation was the roof structure. Acknowledging the geodesic nature, one of the first questions asked was the location of the utilities. The comments were related to the efficiency of the systems and organization of the program within the dome. Issues such as water runoff and column placement inside were brought up. The structural system was thoroughly analyzed in terms of its rules. The critics suggested that if something breaks a rule, it must be special. They said your design should follow its own rules that you must determine.
There was also a focus on the Civic order. The reviewer’s comments addressed legal and ethical obligations such as code and fire safety. Fire separation within such an open structure was brought up almost immediately.
They referenced the Inspired and Fame orders by acknowledging the value and uniqueness of the roof. The form gives the firehouse a unique public image. They addressed the Project element of design by offering advice to work through a model.
To resolve your structural system, I would recommend using models to further explore either the roof folding down or columns. This will help you determine a structural and organizational logic to follow. Determine the hierarchy of your elements and stick to that hierarchy. The roof is the most important element, followed by the living quarters, the program inside and the entrance. The columns should have the same fold as the points you created at the end conditions. The main street facade would be more engaging to the passerbyers if it followed the natural geometries of the roof instead of having a flat surface.
In creating a uniform logic for the structure, this will also provide opportunity to resolve other systems. There is an opportunity to integrate this system with water-down and technical systems. Also, you could find additional ways to allow light and air in your building. One comment was that you should place additional skylights above areas that need it.
There is not a strong emphasis on site design in this project. I think there is an opportunity for you to continue the logic of your roof to create engaging spaces throughout the park. You could have a canopy that uses the same form as your building. You could also use your geometric pattern to create seating and circulation around your building. In developing the outdoor courtyards, you could continue the logic of the structure outside by revealing it.
The roof attracts attention because of its form, but also because of its materiality. I think you could use a material on the roof that utilizes the heat it attracts. In terms of sustainability I think you have made efforts to harness natural elements and you should continue to do so. Overall, I think you have a strong concept and developed system that with clarity will become a distinguished and comprehensive design.