Tag Archives: Evolution

A Change in Architecture Theses

Thesis #1: Urban cities have created environmental issues that make them vulnerable to uncontrolled circumstances.

Pelling, M. (1967). The vulnerability of cities: natural disasters and social resilience. London: Earthscan Publications. (2003)

Smith, D. L. (2011). Environmental issues for architecture . John Wiley & Sons,.

Downton, Paul F. (2009). Ecopolis: Architecture and Cities for a Changing Climate. Springer Netherlands, 2009

Professor Ian War (2004). Energy and Environmental Issues for the Practising Architect. Thomas Telford Publishing

Stamatine Th. Rassia, Panos M. Pardalos(2014) Cities for Smart Environmental and Energy Futures “Impacts on Architecture and Technology”, Springer; 2014 edition (August 13, 2013)

Gasparini, Paolo, Manfredi, Gaetano, Asprone, Domenico (2014). Resilience and Sustainability in Relation to Natural Disasters: A Challenge for Future Cities. Springer 2014

Kammerbauer, M. (2013), “Schismo-urbanism’: cities, natural disaster, and urban sociology”. Disasters, 37: 401–419. Wiley Libary

Thesis #2: Japanese architecture has been restricted due to the limited land space.

Lazarin, Michael. “Phenomenology Of Japanese Architecture: En (Edge, Connection, Destiny).” Studia Phaenomenologica 14.(2014): 133-159. Academic Search Complete. Web. 5 Sept. 2015.

Inoue, Mitsuo, 1918-. Space In Japanese Architecture. New York: Weatherhill, 1985.

Kokusai Kōryū Kikin, et al.. Japan 2000: Architecture And Design for the Japanese Public. Munich: Prestel Verlag , 1998.

Shinozawa, Kenta (2006). “Structure of Natural Environment and Topography envisioned in the Development Process of Senri New Town”. Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (1340-8984), 69 (5), p. 817.

Nemoto, Tetsuo (2008). “Transitions of Factors in Planning and Design Process in the Realization of Tama New Town Development Plan Based upon the Natural Topography”. Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (1340-8984), 71 (5), p. 801.

Lippit, Seiji M. Topographies of Japanese Modernism. New York, NY: Columbia UP, 2002.

Thesis #3: Over the years, architecture design has stopped evolving to a point where it creates a sense of restriction and replication.

Adam Robert. (2012) The Globalisation of Modern Architecture: The Impact of Politics, Economics and Social Change on Architecture and Urban Design since 1990. Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Kenneth, Frampton. (2007) The Evolution of 20th Century Architecture: A Synoptic Account. Springer Vienna Architecture; 1 edition

Prudon, Theodore H.M.( 2008) Preservation of Modern Architecture. Wiley 2008

Siegel, Curt (1962). Structure and Form in Modern Architecture. Crosby Lockwood & Son; 1st US Edition 1st Printing edition (1962)

Blundell Jones, Peter; Canniffe, Eamonn (2007).Modern architecture through case studies, 1945-1990. Elsevier/Architectural Press

Derek, Avery (2003). Modern architecture. London, Chaucer Press