And the Winner is…

From reading your comments, it seems everyone has suggested that I choose the topic golf for my This I Believe speech. After completing the six word memoir in class Friday, I, myself am leaning towards golf as well. I feel that golf is sport most people only know the basics of if anything at all. With this assignment, I want to draw connections between golf and life. I plan to expose the public to how golf can be used as a metaphor for life. For anecdotes, I was thinking of describing all the thoughts that go into a golf swing. This I can effectively portray the complexity of the sport. Golf is learning about how to accept your terrible shots and continue on. Similar to life, if you decide to wallow in a mistake, can you ever effectively live on?

For my civics blogs, I plan to analyze polls and discuss the relationship between citizens and their government. As a political science major, I  cannot wait to dive into these discussions and learn more about how society functions on an institution level.  Passion blog wise, I could not settle on either countdowns or movies, so i decided to combine them under the topic of entrainment. This means I might write about my top 10 childhood movies or tv shows. I cannot wait to start discussing more this semester. See y’all soon!

Did I make a good choice? What are some things I could add to this speech?

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