Hello everyone,
First off, we hope all of you who are nursing assistants had a wonderful Nursing Assistant Appreciation Week and that your residents and fellow staff helped you feel appreciated, valued and loved! These have been very difficult months for all of us, but your commitment to your work and the residents you serve while putting your own health at risk makes you heroes in our eyes.
We know you miss your volunteers too. As facilities begin to reopen in some states, you may be able to bring back some volunteers who test negative for COVID or have already had the virus. (Check your local and state policies first.) If allowed, consider asking a few volunteers to help take residents outside for walks. Many residents would probably enjoy a walk outside to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. This can help them maintain or regain some of the strength they may have lost while being isolated with limited access to physical activity and also provide a companion to talk to for a while. We also hope you are able to find ways to have outdoor visits with family members when permitted and encourage you to send us pictures or descriptions of creative ways you are making this happen!
Have a great week!