Hello everyone, We’ve shared tidbits before about the use of antipsychotic drugs to address the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, but this important issue is worth revisiting again. Dailycaring.com has a helpful article with tips on how to prevent and address some of the challenging behaviors of dementia like agitation and anxiety without the […]
Tag: Anxiety
Brief Videos Show Effective Ways to Handle Behavioral Challenges
Hello everyone, The UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Program has developed a set videos addressing common behavioral challenges for caregivers. The brief videos first show a “typical” approach by a caregiver, followed by some discussion by an expert, and then show the “preferred approach” using the same scenario and a few more tips. The videos […]
Strategies to help you care for those with chronic mental illness
Hello everyone, Some of you have told us that one of the most difficult challenges you face is how to care for an aging resident who also has a chronic mental illness. While depression and anxiety—especially in people with dementia—can be common in long term care, other mental illnesses such as personality disorder, bipolar disorder […]
Helping a Loved One Adjust to Long Term Care
Hello everyone, When a person with dementia moves from home into a long term care community, it can be very difficult for them and their loved ones. This week, we offer some tips on helping to make the transition a bit easier: Encourage families to join their loved ones for activities. This helps the new […]
Promoting Positive Interactions
Hello everyone, This week, we’d like to discuss how to approach a resident with challenging behaviors in a way that can result in more positive interactions between the caregiver and resident. For example, if a resident scratches, swears or tries to hit a nursing assistant while she is helping the resident with morning care, how […]
The Power of Laughter
Hello everyone, Think about the last time you had a really good laugh. A tears-flowing, belly-aching, almost-pee your pants laugh. Remember how you felt after that laugh? It should be no surprise then that a recent study found that exercise programs that included laughter as a core element benefited older adults. The study found “significant […]
Tips to Manage Sundowning
Hello everyone, “‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse…” But perhaps, some your residents are? People with dementia often struggle with restlessness, agitation, irritability or confusion that can begin or worsen in late afternoon and early evening, and can continue into the night. Commonly […]
Hello everyone, Timber Ridge in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania had a summer contest to recognize employees who used effective interventions to address behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. The big winner was Kathleen Hunter! Congratulations Kathleen! We’ve attached a photo of her receiving her award. Kathleen is a CNA on the 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. shift. One of […]
Promoting Positive Interactions
Hello Everyone, In addition to the information we provided about inappropriate sexual behavior in last week’s tidbit, Dr. Elizabeth Galik, one of the investigators on our study, has written an article on this topic for Bottom Line Health. You can read it online here: https://bottomlineinc.com/health/memory/dementia-and-inappropriate-sexual-behavior This week, we’d like to discuss how to approach a […]
Tips for reducing bathing stress in residents
Below is a link to an article on Daily Caring.com that has useful tips to remember when helping to bathe a resident who has Alzheimer’s disease. We encourage you to take a quick look and share with staff, as bathing can be a stressful activity for residents and staff alike. http://dailycaring.com/7-tips-to-get-someone-with-Alzheimers-to-take-a-bath/ We are announcing a […]