Hello everyone, As we (thankfully!!!) wind down the year of 2020, our research team has decided it’s also time to end these weekly tidbits. We thank you all so much for the kind feedback, inspiring photos, heartwarming stories, and insightful questions you have sent us over the past years. It has been our pleasure to […]
Tag: preferences
Helping a Loved One Adjust to Long Term Care
Hello everyone, When a person with dementia moves from home into a long term care community, it can be very difficult for them and their loved ones. This week, we offer some tips on helping to make the transition a bit easier: Encourage families to join their loved ones for activities. This helps the new […]
Tips for Integrating Person-centered Approaches into Care Plans
Hello everyone, Many of you are working on integrating more person-centered approaches into your care plans, and looking for ways that GNAs and other staff can easily access information about the social histories and preferences of residents, which is critical information when caring for people who have dementia. Those “golden nuggets” of information can help […]
Tips for Integrating Person-centered Approaches into Care Plans
Hello everyone, Many of you are working on integrating more person-centered approaches into your care plans, and looking for ways that GNAs and other staff can easily access information about the social histories and preferences of residents, which is critical information when caring for people who have dementia. Those “golden nuggets” of information can help […]
Respecting choices-Improving the lives of persons living with dementia
Hello everyone, You are likely familiar with the idea of person-centered care. In the long term care setting, person centered care promotes residents’ choices, increases their sense of purpose, and provides a greater personal connection for those who need assistance from others with daily tasks. An important part of providing person-centered care involves learning the […]