This unit examines factors that impact the ethics of processing, analyzing, and representing research data. Ethical problems in data processing relate not only to research misconducts (e.g., falsification) but also to researchers’ values, interests, and the biases that explicitly or implicitly impact their decisions. Some research institutions have guidelines for dealing with overt conflict of interest. In addition, ethical researchers should be reflective about their own assumptions and limitations, and carefully examine how these factors might affect the way they conduct research and present results.
Bero, Lisa A. 2005. “Tobacco Industry Manipulation of Research.” Public Health Reports 120: 200–208.
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DeMets, David L. 1999. “Statistics and Ethics in Medical Research.” Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (1): 97–117.
Green, Alexander R., Dana R. Carney, Daniel J. Pallin, Long H. Ngo, Kristal L. Raymond, Lisa I. Iezzoni, and Mahzarin R. Banaji. 2007. “Implicit Bias Among Physicians and Its Prediction of Thrombolysis Decisions for Black and White Patients.” Journal of General Internal Medicine 22 (9): 1231–38.
Hacking, Ian. 1975. The Emergence of Probability: A Philosophical Study of Early Ideas about Probability, Induction and Statistical Inference. Cambridge University Press.
Harding, Sandra. 1992. “Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What Is ‘Strong Objectivity?’” The Centennial Review 36 (3): 437–70.
Healy, David. 2002. “In the Grip of the Python: Conflicts at the University-Industry Interface.” Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (1): 59–71.
Huff, Darrell. 1954. How to Lie with Statistics. Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc.
Kaiser, David, and Lee Wasserman. 2016. “The Rockefeller Family Fund vs. Exxon.” The New York Review of Books, December.
Mayer-Schönberger, Viktor, and Kenneth Cukier. 2013. Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think. Eamon Dolan/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Morozov, Evgeny. 2014. “Every Little Byte Counts: ‘The Naked Future’ and ‘Social Physics.’” The New York Times, May 16.
Office of Research Integrity. 2017. “Definition of Research Misconduct.”
Parrish, Debra, and Bridget Noonan. 2009. “Image Manipulation As Research Misconduct.” Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (2): 161–67.
Porter, Theodore M. 1986. The Rise of Statistical Thinking, 1820-1900. Princeton University Press.
Rossner, Mike, and Kenneth M Yamada. 2004. “What’s in a Picture? The Temptation of Image Manipulation.” The Journal of Cell Biology 166 (1): 11 LP-15.
The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). 2006. “Shared Responsibility, Individual Integrity: Scientists Addressing Conflicts of Interest in Biomedical Research.” The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Vardeman, Stephen B, and Max D Morris. 2003. “Statistics and Ethics.” The American Statistician 57 (1): 21–26.
Von Glinow, Mary Ann, Debra L. Shapiro, and Jeanne M. Brett. 2004. “Can We Talk, and Should We? Managing Emotional Conflict in Multicultural Teams.” Academy of Management Review 29 (4): 578–92.
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