Student Videos Project

The goal of HKN’s video project is to create a Khan Academy esque video series oriented towards the EECS curriculum. We want to put together a series that provides videos that supplement class material. These videos should be specific and short so a person can find precisely what is being looked for, in the context they need, while not being bogged down by verbose explanations. An example of a “specific” topic would be KMAPS from CMPN 270.

You are not limited by this definition of the project, you can propose any video you would like. For example, AC vs. DC, Arduino tutorials, Tesla vs. Edison, the future of CMOS technologies or whatever your heart desires. However, since this is a new project, it will be better to focus on the introductory courses like EE 210 and CMPEN 270 as these are courses students look for the most help in.

If you would like to help with this project, please email us at and we will work with you on the details of the video!