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Conference Presentations

  1. Pengfei Zhan, Janna Maranas, Enrique Gomez, “Structure and dynamics in organic semiconductors”, Gordon Research Conference on Neutron Scattering, Hong Kong, CN, June 2015. (poster)
  2. Hui Yang, Jung-Goo Lee, Jochen Zimmer, Yaroslava Yingling, James Kubicki, “QM/MM and MD study on catalytic mechanism of bacterial CESA”, the 249th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO, March 22, 2015. (Presentation)
  3. Pengfei Zhan, Janna Maranas, Enrique Gomez, “Structure and segmental dynamics in poly(3-alkylthiophene)s”, American Physics Society March Conference, San Antonio, TX, March 2015. (presentation)
  4. David W. Caldwell II, Janna K. Maranas, “Controlling and understanding ion aggregation and conduction in PEO-based ionomers”. American Physical Society March Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 2015.
  5. Lu, K. Maranas, J.K., Milner, S.T. (2015) “High Efficiency Conduction at High Ion Contents in Ionomeric Electrolytes.” Bulletin of the American Physical Society March Meeting 2015. <http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2015.MAR.Q45.4>
  6. A Benjamin Schantz, Patrick Saboe, Manish Kumar, Janna Maranas, “The influence of temperature and detergent on polymer exchange rate in PEE-PEO vesicles used for protein incorporation.” Gordon Research Conference on Polymer Physics, Mount Holyoke, MA, August, 2014. (poster presentation)
  7. Lu, K., Maranas, J.K., Milner, S.T. (2014) “Dynamic Ion Aggregates in Ionomeric Electrolytes.” Gordon Research Conference in Polymer Physics, Mt. Holyoke, July 2014. (poster)
  8. Pengfei Zhan, Janna Maranas, Enrique Gomez, “Segmental dynamics in poly(3-alkylthiophene)s and effect on charge transport”, International Conference on Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS), Autrans, France, May 2014. (poster)
  9. David W. Caldwell II, Janna K. Maranas, “Controlling superionic conduction in PEO-based single-ion conductors”. Penn State Chemical Engineering Symposium, State College, PA, March 2014.
  10. Lu, K., Maranas, J.K., Milner, S.T. (2013) “Coarse-Grained MD Simulation of String-like Aggregates in Single-Ion Conductors” Bulletin of the American Physical Society March Meeting 2013.  <http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2013.MAR.N33.10>
  11. David W. Caldwell II, Janna K. Maranas, “The influence of ion content on mobility and ion aggregation in PEO-based single-ion conductors”. American Physical Society March meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 2012. (poster)


Penn State Chemical Engineering

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