- Pengfei Zhan, Janna Maranas, Enrique Gomez, “Structure and dynamics in organic semiconductors”, Gordon Research Conference on Neutron Scattering, Hong Kong, CN, June 2015. (poster)
- Hui Yang, Jung-Goo Lee, Jochen Zimmer, Yaroslava Yingling, James Kubicki, “QM/MM and MD study on catalytic mechanism of bacterial CESA”, the 249th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO, March 22, 2015. (Presentation)
- Pengfei Zhan, Janna Maranas, Enrique Gomez, “Structure and segmental dynamics in poly(3-alkylthiophene)s”, American Physics Society March Conference, San Antonio, TX, March 2015. (presentation)
- David W. Caldwell II, Janna K. Maranas, “Controlling and understanding ion aggregation and conduction in PEO-based ionomers”. American Physical Society March Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 2015.
- Lu, K. Maranas, J.K., Milner, S.T. (2015) “High Efficiency Conduction at High Ion Contents in Ionomeric Electrolytes.” Bulletin of the American Physical Society March Meeting 2015. <http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2015.MAR.Q45.4>
- A Benjamin Schantz, Patrick Saboe, Manish Kumar, Janna Maranas, “The influence of temperature and detergent on polymer exchange rate in PEE-PEO vesicles used for protein incorporation.” Gordon Research Conference on Polymer Physics, Mount Holyoke, MA, August, 2014. (poster presentation)
- Lu, K., Maranas, J.K., Milner, S.T. (2014) “Dynamic Ion Aggregates in Ionomeric Electrolytes.” Gordon Research Conference in Polymer Physics, Mt. Holyoke, July 2014. (poster)
- Pengfei Zhan, Janna Maranas, Enrique Gomez, “Segmental dynamics in poly(3-alkylthiophene)s and effect on charge transport”, International Conference on Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS), Autrans, France, May 2014. (poster)
- David W. Caldwell II, Janna K. Maranas, “Controlling superionic conduction in PEO-based single-ion conductors”. Penn State Chemical Engineering Symposium, State College, PA, March 2014.
- Lu, K., Maranas, J.K., Milner, S.T. (2013) “Coarse-Grained MD Simulation of String-like Aggregates in Single-Ion Conductors” Bulletin of the American Physical Society March Meeting 2013. <http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2013.MAR.N33.10>
- David W. Caldwell II, Janna K. Maranas, “The influence of ion content on mobility and ion aggregation in PEO-based single-ion conductors”. American Physical Society March meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 2012. (poster)