Daily Archives: April 2, 2013

Kasdorf discusses novel by Fred Lewis Pattee

The public is invited to join Julia Spicher Kasdorf on April 19, 4–5 p.m., in the Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, for a presentation on Fred Lewis Pattee’s novel, “The House of the Black Ring: A Romance of the Seven Mountains.”

Pattee, long regarded as the father of American literary study, also wrote fiction. Originally published in 1905 by Henry Holt, this book was Pattee’s second novel—a local-color romance set in the mountains of central Pennsylvania. The plot is driven by family feud, forbidden love, and a touch of the supernatural. This recent edition from the Penn State Press, available at http://www.psupress.org/books/titles/978-0-271-05420-9.html, makes the novel accessible to new generations of modern-day readers as a thriller that preserves details of rural life and language during the late nineteenth century. Scholars will read it as an expression of cultural anxiety and change in the decades after the Civil War. Continue reading

Seminar explores grassroots entrepreneurship in rural communities

“Local Knowledge Systems for Grassroots Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Lessons from Rural Communities in Australia and the U.S.” will be presented on Wednesday, April 10, from noon to 1:00 p.m., in Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library. This seminar is the latest event in an ongoing speaker series sponsored by the Interinstitutional Consortium for Indigenous Knowledge and the Social Sciences Library. Presenter Michael Fortunato is a post-doctoral research associate and lecturer in the Center for Economic and Community Development at Penn State.

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Commemorating the 25th anniversary of Penn State’s Sports Archives

The public is invited to “A Discussion—The Truth Revealed: Academic Uses of Sports Archives, Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Penn State’s Sports Archives,” on Thursday, April 18, 3:30–5:00 p.m., in Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, Penn State University Park.

Mark Dyreson, professor of kinesiology and an affiliate professor of history at Penn State and Ronald A. Smith, professor emeritus of kinesiology will engage in a dialogue discussing their use and experiences with the Sports Archives collections to inform their writing and publications about intercollegiate athletic history. They will evaluate the construct and usability of these collections in light of the scope of their individual pedagogy and research projects. Both Dyreson and Smith will relate the use of archival primary sources to its import for undergraduate and graduate student instruction.

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Events: April 1 – 7

Science Under Attack (film – 52 min)
April 3, 12:15 p.m., EMS Library, 105 Deike. Description: Noble Prize winner Paul Nurse seeks to understand what may be the greatest amount of suspicion of the scientific community since the Dark Ages.

Introduction to Zotero
April 3, 2:30 – 4 p.m., W315 Pattee Library
See more information from Library Learning Services

2013 Diversity Research and Programming Colloquium
April 3, 2:00-3:30 pm, Foster Auditorium and via MediaSite Live

Introduction to EndNote
April 4, 2-3:30 p.m., W315 Pattee Library
See more information from Library Learning Services

Undergraduate performing arts showcase on April 9

The 2013 Undergraduate Exhibition Performing Arts Showcase will be held on Tuesday, April 9, from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., in Esber Recital Hall, Music Building I, on the University Park Campus. The event celebrates the creative accomplishments of Penn State undergraduates, with an evening of music, theatre, and dance presented by School of Music annual scholarship competition winners and distinguished student performers from the School of Theatre. Refreshments following the performances. Students, faculty, staff and community members are invited.

Save the Date: Tech Update on April 9

Tech Update
Tuesday, April 9, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m., Foster Auditorium and Mediasite Live

Topics include:

  • DeskTracker – Cheryl McCallips
  • Training Update (with focus on Cloud Services) – Ryan Johnson
  • DAWS – responsive design, course and research guides in LionSearch
  • I-Tech Sys and Apps group – who we are and what we do

Alternatives to Google Reader

By Ryan Johnson, technology training coordinator

Google announced recently it will be closing down Google Reader on July 1 of this year. If you use Google Reader it’s time to start thinking about alternatives.

NetVibes – This is one of the most popular web-based readers which offers a Google Reader-like interface.

News Blur – is also a good option with an interface that’s very similar to Google Reader. NewsBlur also has Android and iOs apps that sync your feeds as well.

Feedly – is very popular but is very different that Google Reader. Its interface is more like a newspaper type feel.

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LHR News: April 1

Please join us in welcoming the following new hires:


4/1/13 Amy Knehans – Clinical outreach, liaison and instruction librarian, George T. Harrell Health Sciences Library, Penn State Hershey
Rebecca Marcum – Information resources and services support specialist, Tombros McWhirter Knowledge Commons
Gail Wyberski, Information resources and services support specialist, Nesbitt Library, Penn State Wilkes Barre


Denis Tremblay, Penn State University Press
Nicole Miyashio, PA Center for the Book
Xiaolong Ou, Tombros McWhirter Knowledge Commons

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