Please join us in welcoming the following new hires:
6/5/13 Angela Davis, Engineering Liaison Librarian, Engineering Library
Vanessa Eyer, Engineering Liaison Librarian, Engineering Library
Mehdi Goutr – Penn State Harrisburg Library
Sean Bradley – Tombros McWhirter Knowledge Commons
Annual ESSIC Attendance System Reminder
Please note that the Office of Human Resources will be conducting their annual attendance system audit in July. All records must be correct and up to date by the end of June. Please make sure that you and any employees reporting to you have current attendance records.
As a reminder, the following should be considered when reviewing records:
Personal Holiday hours – Full-time employees should have added eight hours of personal holiday time when submitting the January attendance records each year. This is done on the accruals page that comes up when you click “Submit.” New employees must wait until they have completed their first two full months of employment before they may add in the personal holiday time.
Holiday Compensatory Time – Any compensatory time earned should be used prior to any vacation.
Vacation Maximums – Please be reminded of the vacation accrual maximums, found in HR-34 and the Libraries’ Faculty Sick and Medical Leave Policy. At the end of the month when you submit your attendance record, you must be at or below the maximum, or you will lose any time over that amount. If this occurs, when submitting the record, you must only mark the number of hours that will leave you at the maximum for your ending balance, rather than the actual time you would normally accrue.
Submission and Approval – Employees should be submitting their attendance records at the end of every month (unless your supervisor has requested more frequent submissions). Supervisors are reminded to review information and approve the records on a monthly basis. It is extremely important that these records are completed, reviewed, and approved monthly.
Recording Time Worked – As a reminder, all non-exempt employees must record all time worked using the “Time Worked (normal hours)” selection, plus account for any time missed. Exempt employees should only record time used to account for time missed (vacation, sick, etc.).
These reminders apply to all full-time employees. Part-time employees do not have access to the Attendance System and should be completing LabMan, or some sort of paper record for part-time exempt (staff or faculty, such as Fixed Term II appointments). All supervisors, of all types of employees, should be ensuring that their employees keep appropriate records and submit them on a timely basis in order review their time.
If you have any questions, please contact our office at 814-863-4949.