Pilot of new claims returned process begins

By Stephanie Movahedi-Lankarani

On July 15, the University Libraries began a six-month pilot of a streamlined Claims Returned procedure for library staff who work with materials that patrons believe they have returned to the library. The changes are intended to make the Claims Returned work flow as effective, efficient, and responsive to patron service needs as possible.

Highlights of the new procedure include:

  • All Claims Returned claims are made via the Libraries’ online Claims Returned form at: https://www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/secure/forms/lendingforms/claimreturned.html
  • Search for materials begins at the location where the patron indicates they returned the item(s)
  • Number of searches and schedule of searches restructured and streamlined to reflect typical found (by staff) or returned (by patron) data
  • Claims Returned staff in Pattee/Paterno Libraries maintain a Claims Returned database and email Search Reports (at 2-days, 1-week, 1-month, and 6-months) to each Branch Library location which has Claims Returned items

In October and November feedback will be formally sought from staff working with the procedure by the Claims Returned Subgroup (a part of Access Services Council) and incorporated into the Claims Returned process. The final version of the procedure will be rolled-out In January 2014.
For questions or more information, contact the Claims Returned Subgroup:
Barb Lessig, Berks Thun Library (bzl1, 610-396-6244)
Stephanie Movahedi-Lankarani, Architecture & Landscape Architecture Library (qum7, 814-863-0511) (Chair)
Amy Pfeffer, Pattee/Paterno Library (amp17, 814-863-2542)