Changes to the Advanced Search in The CAT

Submitted by Binky Lush for the Digital Access Working Team

The Digital Access Working Team, with support from members of the Sirsi Steering Team, has made some changes affecting the Advanced Search in The CAT. The list of Material Types has been simplified. Similar types have been merged into a single menu choice, and some names have been changed to group similar types together. These changes will be implemented on September 19, 2013.

The following are the new Material Types:

Archives & Manuscripts
Audio Material
Book, Juvenile
[formerly Juvenile Book]
Book, Reference
[formerly Reference Book]
Bound Journal
[includes UP (formerly Periodicals), Dickinson, and Hershey]
Computer Disc, etc.
[formerly CD-ROMS and Other Digital Formats]
File Folder
Instructional Material
Microfilm, Microfiche, etc.
Multimedia Material
Music Score
Online Resource

Thesis (Bachelor)
[formerly Bachelors Theses and Papers]
Thesis (Doctoral)
[formerly Doctoral Dissertation]
Thesis (Masters)
[formerly Masters Theses and Papers]
Video Material

see screenshot below:

material type in advanced search

Please let us know if you have any questions!