Monthly Archives: October 2013

Dean’s News

By Barbara I. Dewey

We had a very successful Promotion & Tenure Reception on Oct. 23 with close to 100 newly tenured and promoted faculty attending from a wide variety of departments and campuses. Our “new” class in the Libraries is large and outstanding including Anne Behler, Emily Rimland, Russ Hall, John Meier, Heidi Abbey, Matt Ciszek, Karla Schmit, (all tenured and promoted to associate librarian) Cynthia Robinson (tenured), and John Shank (promoted to full rank). President Erickson and I were very excited to honor them along with the other guests at a lovely reception in Paterno Reading Room last week.

We also hosted the Commissions’ (CFW, CORED, and CLGBTE) Promotion & Tenure Symposium on Oct. 25 in Foster Auditorium “Equity and Inclusion: Successfully Navigating the Promotion and Tenure Process.” The P & T Symposium provides Penn State faculty with support and useful information for their Penn State journey. Participants in the symposium included Dr. Terrell Jones, Provost Nick Jones, Diane Zabel (a panelist on publishing), and a host of faculty discussing important aspects of promotion and tenure at Penn State.

I continue to be excited about our new Provost, Dr. Nick Jones. I hope many of you will stop by the Open House at the Nittany Lion Inn to meet him on Wednesday, Oct. 30, from 3-5 p.m.. He is very enthusiastic about the Libraries.

Events: October 28 and beyond

October  30, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.: “What Is College For?” presented by Andrew Delbanco ,  Foster Auditorium and mediasite live ( Delbanco is  the Mendelson Family Chair of American Studies and Julian Clarence Levi Professor in the Humanities at Columbia University. More

October 30, 12:15 p.m.: Rare Earths: The Dirty War (film), EMS Library, 105 Deike. Today, China holds over 90% of the world’s rare earth production and has started to restrict exports. Now, western countries are throwing themselves into a battle for the acquisition of alternative sources of rare earth. (52 min).

October 31: Halloween Party, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Mann Assembly Room.

November 5, 2:30 p.m.: Introduction to Zotero, W315 Pattee. Register online

November 5, 5:30 p.m.: Information Night for Indigenous Ways of Knowing in the North American Context (Spring course and Maymester field trip), 113 Thomas Building

November 6, 2 p.m.: Introduction to Mendeley, E302 Paterno. Register online

November 6, 12:15 p.m.: Renewable Fuels (film), EMS Library, 105 Deike. Shows the environmental impact of renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

November 11, 6 p.m.: “Girl Rising” film screening and discussion, Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno.

November 13, 7 p.m.: “Bridge the Gap to Pine Ridge” film screening and discussion on Oglala Lakota culture. Sponsored by the University Libraries, the Committee on Racial and Ethnic Diversity (CORED), the American Indian Leadership Program, and the Interinstitutional Consortium for Indigenous Knowledge. Refreshments sponsored by CORED. More information on this program next week.

November 13, 12:15 p.m.: Taking a Second Look: Communities and Dam Removal (film) 105 Deike. Addresses environmental and economic issues in deciding whether to remove rather than repair or replace dams. (22 min)

November 14, 10 a.m.: Data Management Workshop, 211 Davey Lab. Register online.

Hazleton storytelling workshop registration deadline Nov. 1

Penn State Hazleton will host a free workshop funded by the Penn State University Libraries Innovation Microgrant Program in November.

Date: Monday, November 25
Time: 10:00am to 2:30pm (registration 9:30am-9:59am)
Location: Penn State Hazleton, Evelyn Graham Academic Building

Description: Don’t limit storytelling to “once upon a time.” Libraries can use the power of storytelling to more effectively communicate. Stories are better heard, understood, and remembered which is increasingly important in this distracted digital age. Join us for a half-day workshop where we will learn the influence of storytelling and leave inspired and energized with exciting ideas and practical skills.

The workshop will begin with short participatory exercises, led by Michael Kattner, to jump start participants into actively exploring storytelling skills. This will be followed by two speakers, Mr. Harley Newman and Dr. Lora Taub-Pervizpour, who will each have a combination of lecture, videos, and hands-on exercises. There will be a question and answer session with both speakers to conclude the program. If you have a tablet computer, please bring it with you. A light lunch will be provided.

Registration deadline is Friday, November 1
Space is limited, so please register early. To register fill out the form at

For more information, contact Michael Kattner, 570-450-3115/

Info night for indigenous knowledge course and field study

An information night for the spring semester course “Exploring Indigenous Ways of Knowing in the North American Context” and Maymester field study (CED 497B and 497C) will be held on Thursday, November 7, at 5:30 p.m., in 113 Thomas Building. This program offers students an opportunity to learn about the history, culture and ways of life of the Red Lake, Leech Lake and White Earth Ojibwe Nations in northern Minnesota through an unforgettable, immersive field study experience.

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Libraries to show ‘Girl Rising’

The University Libraries will host a film screening of “Girl Rising,” followed by a panel discussion, on Monday, November 11, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., in Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library.

Around the world, millions of girls face barriers to education that boys do not. When you educate a girl, you can break cycles of poverty in just one generation. Removing barriers to girls’ education—such as early marriage, domestic slavery, sex trafficking, gender violence and discrimination, lack of access to healthcare, and school fees—means not only a better life for girls, but a safer, healthier, and more prosperous world for all.

This feature film, by Academy Award-nominated director Richard E. Robbins, spotlights the remarkable stories of nine girls around the world striving beyond circumstance and overcoming nearly insurmountable odds to achieve their dreams. More about the film is available online.

The event is co-sponsored by the University Libraries, the Center for Global Studies, the International Agriculture Club and the Centre County United Nations Association

For more information or if you anticipate needing accessibility accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Helen Sheehy at or 814-863-1347.

Announcing the World Campus/Penn State Online intranet

Submitted by Lori Lysiak

The World Campus / Penn State Online Intranet includes historical background information and current initiatives. These pages help to:

  • provide guidelines on creating information literacy tutorials
  • offer “one-stop” links to Penn State Online Learning websites
  • list Subject Liaisons for World Campus programs and majors

These great resources as well as related statistics, reports, and publications are available to you through the new World Campus / Penn State Online Intranet!

Move/add/remove columns in UCS mail

By Ryan Johnson, technology training coordinator

Did you know you can add/remove columns in your UCS email? Simply right-click on a column such as Subject in the Mail tab and you can choose which columns you want to appear:

columsn screenshotAnother way you can edit the column is moving and changing the order in which they are displayed. Simply Drop and Drag the column header to the location which you desire.

In the example below, I moved the Size column between the From and Subject columns.

columns screenshot 2columns screenshot 3

LHR News for October 28

2014 Benefits Open Enrollment Coming Soon!

Please remember that the open enrollment period for 2014 Benefits will be November 1 through 22nd. The Open Enrollment booklet that was mailed to employees’ homes is available on the Open Enrollment website, at, as well as the latest information, rates, and comparison of the two health plans. Most recently, a decision tool was added to assist employees in choosing between the two plans. Employees who missed the recent Benefits session held for the Libraries can also view the meeting schedule for all campus locations.

Please join us in welcoming the following new hires:

Penn State Mont Alto Library – Telanna Rasberry
Penn State Press – Elizabeth Wyckoff
Robert E. Eiche Library, Penn State Altoona – Devany Laratonda

11/1/13 Julie Porterfield – Archivist for Coal and Coke Heritage Center, PSU Fayette

Wishing the following employees well as they leave us:
10/31/13 Greg Scheirer, Bindery

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Open guides forum

Submitted by Binky Lush

We Need Your Input!

Please join the Guides Project Team, Web Heads and Web Stakeholders for an Open Guides Forum.

Wednesday, November 20,1-3 p.m.
Mann Assembly Room

The purpose of this forum will be to:

  1. Report out on our usability findings, guides inventory analysis and usage statistics
  2. Engage the Libraries in a conversation about Research Guides and Course Guides to help define requirements for improving the Libraries’ Guides

We have planned the forum to coincide with the close of the CCL retreat in the hopes that we can have as many campus librarians there as possible. For anyone not able to join us in person, we invite you to participate via Adobe Connect at The meeting will be recorded.

We are looking forward to a lively and productive conversation and we hope to see you there!

Please let us know if you have any questions. (

Changes in The CAT record display to encourage users to request ILL when a book is unavailable

By Barbara Coopey

In keeping with our user-centered focus, Access Services Council in collaboration with the Circ Reserves Expert team, has been examining service alternatives to the recall process. This past year, several changes have been implemented in The CAT records to alert users when an item is unavailable. They are instead guided to use Interlibrary Loan services. There is a web page on the Access Services Intranet explaining the rationale and progress of the changes.

For certain conditions such as checked out to another library, material at the bindery or being repaired, the due date displayed under Location in The CAT record has been replaced with the text This copy unavailable, submit request via Interlibrary Loan. This text is a “hot” link to Interlibrary Loan services for the user to place a request. In addition, items with these conditions are non-holdable. This means the “I Want It” will not display unless there is an available copy to satisfy a hold.

However, if an item is checked out to a local user, the due date is replaced with Checked out. Items checked out to local users are holdable, meaning the “I Want It” will display. The web page has images of CAT records with the various conditions. It also shows how these conditions are displayed in E-ZBorrow and Uborrow.

Events: Week of October 21

October 23, noon to 1 p.m.: —“Yo soy #Nicaragüense…How do university students in Central America perceive their indigenous culture?, Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library and mediasite live. See story

October 23, 12:15 p.m.: Changing Sea (film), EMS Library, 105 Deike. Scientists race to predict the fate of the global ocean and its amazing creatures. 44 mins

October 23, 2-3 p.m.: Presentation on virtual Shakespeare by Katherine Rowe, professor of English at Bryn Mawr College, Foster Auditorium. See story

October 23, 4:30 p.m.: The 2013 Promotion and Tenure reception will be held in the Humanities  Reading Room, 2nd floor, Pattee Library

October 23, 6 p.m.: “Queering Penn State History,” Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library. See story

October 23, 2:30 – 4 p.m.: Library Security: The Basics and Beyond, W140, Pattee Library. See story

October  30, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.: “What Is College For?” presented by Andrew Delbanco ,  Foster Auditorium and mediasite live ( Delbanco is  the Mendelson Family Chair of American Studies and Julian Clarence Levi Professor in the Humanities at Columbia University. More

October 30, 12:15 p.m.: Rare Earths: The Dirty War (film), EMS Library, 105 Deike. Today, China holds over 90% of the world’s rare earth production and has started to restrict exports. Now, western countries are throwing themselves into a battle for the acquisition of alternative sources of rare earth. (52 min).

** Save the date! October 31: Halloween Party, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Mann Assembly Room.** View the flyer for this event: Halloween Party Invite 2013(1)

Public relations legend, dedicated alumnus Larry Foster dies

Larry Foster, the Penn State alumnus who was named one of the top public relations professionals of the 20th century and who helped change the University’s approach to philanthropy, died Thursday, Oct. 17. He was 88.

Larry and Ellen Foster’s generous support endowed the Foster Librarian in Communications,
held by Debora Cheney, and enabled the creation of the Foster Auditorium.

Read the full story:

LionSearch update

Submitted by Binky Lush

The following content has been recently indexed in LionSearch:

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journals (This includes the scholarly journals from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.)

Download the full listing of content available in Summon below:
Databases and packages
Serials titles

Please contact the Discovery and Access Working Team (DAWT) with your questions!

UCS (Zimbra) shortcuts

By Ryan Johnson, technology training coordinator

zimbra shortcutsMany of the functions and commands you use in UCS have keyboard shortcuts. To view shortcut keys, click on Preferences then Shortcuts.

more zimbra shortcuts

You can also view a list of shortcuts while working in your mailbox by pressing CTRL+Q at any time.