Daily Archives: November 18, 2013

Album recreates Civil War era music from the Samuel Bayard collection

A new album released in November, “Dearest Home,” recreates traditional American music from the U.S. Civil War era with three songs from the unpublished Samuel Bayard Folk Song Collection in the Penn State University Archives, the University Libraries, and a pair of tunes from Bayard’s book “Dance to the Fiddle, March to the Fife.” Continue reading

What’s in your personal library?

This exhibition is  display Nov. 15 through Jan. 6, 2014, in Sidewater Commons, 102 Pattee Library on the University Park campus of Penn State.

What’s in your personal library? This is a question that intrigues Penn State Librarian Ellysa Cahoy, and it led to the 2012–13 Scholarly Workflow research project, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and directed by Cahoy. The project analyzed the information workflow practices of Penn State faculty in the sciences, the social sciences and the liberal arts. Participating faculty were surveyed about their technology habits and information collection management practices and were interviewed in their offices to gain a greater sense of their needs with regard to information retrieval, storage and self-archiving of personal information collections. Continue reading

Events: Week of Nov. 18

November 18, 5:30 p.m.: Presentation by Dr. Brooke Erin Duffy, “The Romance of Work: Gender and Aspirational Labor in Contemporary Culture Industries, Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library.

November 19, 4-5 p.m.: Presentation by Chris Ware, winner of multiple Eisner Awards and the National Cartoonists Society Award, Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library. More

November 20, 12:15 p.m.: Film: Physics of Light, EMS Library, 105 Deike. The nature of light and how it is harnessed in our lives. 29 minutes.

December 2, 10:30 a.m. – noon: Introduction to Mendeley, 211 Davey Register online.

December 3, 4 p.m.: Making Sense of the Budget Crisis, presentation by Jared Bernstein, senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policies Priorities and former economic adviser to U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Foster Auditorium. More details

December 4, 12:15 p.m.: Film: Flip Flotsam, EMS Library, 105 Deike. This film examines the journey of the humble flip flop in a small corner of Africa. 27 minutes.

December 4, noon: Using indigenous foodways to encourage the consumption and continued use of soybeans as a rotational crop in Uganda (seminar), Foster Auditorium. More details soon.



United Way Craft Sale

The United Way Fall Arts and Craft Sale is only a few weeks away, Please mark your calendars for Tuesday December 3, from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.,  in the Mann Assembly Room.

Once again we are pleased to announce that some of our wonderful library staff have made a quilt  (see below, or view it in person on 2 Paterno). 

quilt - blue and white

The finished product…many library employees collaborated on this beautiful quilt, and you can buy chances to win it from any United Way committee member. Photo by Laura Ax-Fultz.

Continue reading

Discovery Day committee needs your ideas

The Discovery Day 2014 Programming Committee is seeking ideas, suggestions, and volunteers for presentations and poster sessions for Discovery Day , which will be held on Friday March 7, 2014.

art gallery tour

Tour of Palmer Art Museum during Discovery Day 2012. Photo by Wilson Hutton

The survey contains four relevant areas:

  • 1. Indicate your interest in these proposed classes
  • 2. Choose just one of five classes
  • 3. Will you teach/present a class?
  • 4. Will you prepare or do you have a prepared poster to contribute?

To submit suggestions or volunteer for a class, a poster, or other session , please go to:

Everyone is welcome to send in suggestions and we look forward to receiving them.
The deadline for responding to the survey is Wednesday November 27 , 2013!

The Rock Ethics Institute 2014 Stand Up Awards call for nominations

The Rock Ethics Institute is seeking nominations for its “2014 Stand Up Awards” honoring undergraduate students at Penn State who have demonstrated ethical leadership in taking a stand for a person, cause, or belief. The goal of the award is to recognize courageous individuals and to inform the entire Penn State community of how often the extraordinary act is possible in ordinary circumstances.

Any faculty, staff, student, or community member at any Penn State campus may nominate undergraduate students who are ethical leaders and have accomplished much during their time at Penn State. Selected honorees will receive an award of $1,000 each, be recognized at a spring 2014 ceremony and in a short video, and highlighted in traditional & digital publicity throughout the University. The deadline for nominations is January 31, 2014. Nomination information and forms are available online.

In 2013, The Rock honored seniors Taryn Noll and Gizelle Studevent. Taryn created a support group at the University Park campus to help students cope with family illnesses or crises. Gizelle organized a group to help young people learn about and address the problem of bullying.

Preserving veterans’ memories: share these tips from ALA

Military personnel, their families, and their friends face specific challenges when trying to save, document, and record their family’s military experience. Taking even one small step like moving boxes from an attic to a bedroom closet can have a significant impact. This information sheet provides some useful tips from the ALA on how to go about collecting and saving precious documents: Quick Preservation Tips for Military Families submitted by Sue Kellerman, Judith O. Sieg Chair for Preservation and head, Digitization and Preservation


LHR News: Nov. 18

Please join us in welcoming the following new hires:

Alexandra Cavacino – Penn State Great Valley Library
Andrew Gottesman – Penn State Great Valley Library and Abington College Library

11/18/13 Michael Ward – Financial Assistant, Business Office

Wishing the following employees well as they leave us:
11/15/13 Margo Chiston, Media and Technology Support Services Continue reading

Geography Awareness Week: GIS Day

Submitted by Tara LaLonde, GIS specialist

Geography awareness week is Nov 17 to  23. As part of this week, Wednesday, November 20, is GIS Day. GIS Day aims to increase awareness of geographic information systems (GIS), spatial information and mapping possibilities. The Donald W. Hamer Maps Library has a display in recognition of GIS Day.

“Exploring Rental Costs in Williamsport, PA using PolicyMap” (pictured below) highlights the search function, rental variables, and demographic variables available through PolicyMap. PolicyMap is an online mapping application with access through Penn State Libraries.

pa spatial map

”Spatial Information Resources Online Sources for Pennsylvania Spatial Information” (see below) provides an overview of sources for spatial information, data, and map creation for Pennsylvania. Sources include Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA), Pennsylvania Atlas, and more.pa map

We also have on display other examples using GIS and other imagery available in the Maps Library.

Battery recycling now accessible to library patrons

In addition to the battery recycling buckets in the Libraries Human Resources office and the Sidewater Commons staff office, there are now two located in public areas. Buckets have been placed in News and Microforms and on the second floor of West Pattee, both on top of the recycling containers. A complete list of recycling locations for various products is now available on the Green Team’s website, at http://bit.ly/1cRzGkO. — Cathy O’Connell

Passcode Protect Adobe Connect public recordings

By Ryan Johnson, technology training coordinator

A recent update to Adobe Connect allows users to set passcode to their public recordings before sharing them and add a layer of security for their recordings. If set so, users would need to provide the valid passcode at the time of accessing the recording in order to view them.

First, go to the Recordings tab for the Adobe Connect Meeting. Click the checkbox next to the recording you want to enter a passcode to and select Access Type.

adobe connectNext, choose the Public radial button and select Set Passcode. An entry window will appear allowing you to enter a 4-12 character passcode that will be used to enter the recording when the user logs in.

adobe connect

Simply center the passcode and select Save.