Dean’s News

By Barbara I. Dewey, dean of University Libraries and Scholarly Communications

Happy New Year! 2014 is starting out with a bang for the University Libraries. We are on the cover of two magazines – State College ( and The Penn Stater ( with featured stories inside. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to these stories and especially to Catherine Grigor for making them happen.

I am pleased to announce that Interim Vice President for Research Neil Sharkey has agreed to place a library representative on the Research Council. Mike Furlough will take on this liaison role providing the Libraries with a seat at this very important table. Likewise Interim Dean of the Graduate School Regina (Jean) Vasilatos-Younken has agreed to have library representation on the Graduate Council Curriculum Committee. Eric Novotny will take on this role that will greatly enhance communication and information flow between the Grad School and the Libraries.

Spring Semester 2014 also brings the opening of two new centers both featuring important campus partnerships in the Pattee and Paterno Library complex. The Student Financial Education Center (SFEC) located in 309 Paterno Library (in the William and Joan Schreyer Business Library) will open later this month and is a partnership with the University Park Undergraduate Association and the University Libraries. Lauren Reiter provided important leadership in getting the center started. Additionally, the Census Research Data Center will open in the Research Hub later in the semester and is a partnership with the Social Sciences Research Institute. Look for more information on this center in the coming weeks.

We are, of course, engaged in strategic planning this semester. Look for opportunities to participate and links to resources as the semester rolls out. I know that we share Provost Jones’ vision to take Penn State to higher levels of excellence, innovation, and knowledge creation to improve the human condition. The library is at the heart of this vision.