Tuesday, March 1, 3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.: Re-Imagining the Civil War: Gender Roles and the Ethics of History, Mann Assembly Room, first floor, Paterno Library. Centre County Reads event featuring a panel of speakers.
Tuesday, March 1, 6:00–9:00 p.m.: Screening of Spike Lee’s latest film, Chi-Raq, Foster Aud. Co-sponsored by the University Libraries, Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies (CAMS), Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) and Residence Life. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Jeanine Staples (African American Studies), Moses Davis (MRC) and Mathias Hanses (CAMS). Free and open to all.
**This event is CANCELLED: Will be rescheduled**: Wednesday, March 2, 3:00 p.m.: Open forum on project management tools, including an overview of a few (e.g., Trello and Asana). Mann Assembly Rm. What do you use and how do you apply it as a PM tool? What has worked? What hasn’t worked? What do you need a PM tool to do for your projects?
Thursday, March 3, 11:00 a.m.: Dean’s Forum with Lorcan Dempsey, vice-president and chief strategist of the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC). His presentation will address collection trends and collection assessment in libraries today. Foster Auditorium and Media Site Live
Friday, March 4, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.: Penn State’s second annual Wikistorming Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon, held to elevate the presence of women artists online. Sponsored by the University Libraries as part of Art+Feminism 2016, the Edit-a-Thon invites members of the public to participate and encouraged to bring a laptop. The event begins at 207 Arts Cottage, University Park, and includes lunch, a viewing of the documentary “Right Out of History: The Making of Judy Chicago’s ‘Dinner Party,’ ” a visit to the Judy Chicago Art Education Collection at the University Libraries, and a talk by visual artist Susan Hill, who narrated the documentary. Hill’s talk is titled “When this happens / Then that happens = Working Wisdom.”. More information is on Penn State News; register at http://tinyurl.com/wikistorming.
Wednesday, March 9, 3:00 p.m.: Open forum on project management tools, including an overview of a few (e.g., Trello and Asana). Mann Assembly Rm. What do you use and how do you apply it as a PM tool? What has worked? What hasn’t worked? What do you need a PM tool to do for your projects?
Tuesday, March 15, 10-11 a.m.: “Mommy, Where Does Metadata Come From?” Mann Assembly Room. The presentation will discuss the two basic kinds of metadata, the two basic kinds of searches our patrons conduct, and then examine in detail the metadata ecosystem and its ever-more-rapidly-proliferating series of silos (The CAT, LionSearch, CONTENTdm, Google Scholar, WorldCat, ScholareSphere, HathiTrust, DPLA, etc.). We’ll see how the silos are linked, or not, who creates what metadata where, and how the complex relationships that exist and evolve between silos directly impact discovery and access, collection development and assessment, and the user experience both here at Penn State and around the world. The presentation will be recorded and made available on the Web one week after the event. Presented by Metadata Man. For more, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKIqmTeFlzI
Tuesday, March 15, 2:00–3:00 p.m.: Hiring for Diversity presented by Rob Harris, Libraries Human Resources manager, Mann Assembly Room, and Adobe Connect. Content will include search committee formation, issues to be aware of in the hiring process, the interview, and more. If you area is hiring or planning to hire in the future, this presentation will be a useful primer on what you need to know before and during the hiring process. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. No registration required for this program.
Wednesday, March 16, noon–1:00 p.m.: Annual Diversity Potluck, Mann Assembly Room. Everyone is welcome to join us! (Note: You don’t need to bring a dish!) Sign up sheet: https://surveys.libraries.psu.edu/TakeSurvey.aspx?PageNumber=1&SurveyID=983M3ol&Preview=true!
Wednesday, March 16, 5:30 p.m.: Spring Clean Financial Clutter, Mann Assembly Rm. Spring cleaning can clear clutter in your personal financial life just like it does for your closets and garage. In this workshop, learn how to take control of your finances and simplify financial record-keeping for year-end tax purposes, reducing stress and saving time in the long run.
Wednesday, March 16, 7:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.: An Evening with Karen Abbott, John Bill Freeman Auditorium, 117 HUB. A book signing will follow the event.
Thursday, March 17, 1-2:30 p.m.: Publishing social science data: your other publication 211A Pattee Library, University Park. Stephen Woods, social sciences librarian, will provide an overview of the process for publishing social science data in ICPSR, a premier data archive. Participants will be introduced to Nesstar Publisher and Collectica tools that will assist in describing data using DDI, a core meta-data standard for social science data. There will also be a brief introduction to Open ICPSR, a data archive solution and a comparison of Open ICPSR with other, fee-based solutions. In this session, participants will learn about data discovery solutions that utilize elements of data description to highlight ways a researcher’s data can potentially be discovered. Available for remote participation at https://meeting.psu.edu/ul-dlc.
Monday, March 21, 2:00–3:00 p.m.: GIS Interest Group meeting, 126 A Paterno Library. Discussion topics include updates from the last Penn State GIS users group, library geospatial activities, and current geospatial events and news.
Thursday, March 31, 1:00-2:00 p.m.: A world of census data, 211A Pattee Library, University Park. This session, conducted by Stephen Woods, will explore the wealth of census data from around the world that are available to Penn State researchers as well as from free sources outside of the library’s collection. The presentation will discuss limitations such as language, format and reporting. Available for remote participation at https://meeting.psu.edu/ul-dlc.
Save the date:
Wednesday, March 18, 8:30 a.m.-noon: Data Day 2016, Social Science Library and Data Learning Center, 208 Paterno Library, with lightning talks in Foster Auditorium. More information at http://sites.psu.edu/dataday.
Tuesday, April 12, 2;30–3:30 p.m.: Speak Up for Civility workshop, Mann Assembly Room. More information to come.
Monday, May 23, 2:00–3:30 p.m.; Annual Diversity Colloquium, Foster Aud. and MediaSite Live. Look for a call for presentation proposals in March.