Countdown to 2FA: 8 Days!

We’re coming into the home stretch — eight days remain to enroll in 2FA before it becomes mandatory! Go to or stop by I-Tech during one of the two remaining drop-in sessions to enroll.

The drop-in sessions are at 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Friday, May 6, in the I-Tech Training Room. Bring your Penn State ID with you, or jot down the last four digits of your nine-digit Penn State ID; you will need this information to enroll. If these times don’t work for you, contact Ryan Johnson (rxj15) to set up an individual session.

2FA By the Numbersscreenshot of table with breakdown of devices registered for 2FA. Numbers include: Phones 48,624, iOS 21,802, Landline 11,673, Android 11,358, Windows Phone 335, Blackberry 27, Other 3,429; Hardware Tokens 6,015; Total Number Devices 54,639.

As of April 28, 438 or 84 percent of the Libraries’ 519 employees had enrolled in 2FA. That puts us slightly ahead of the overall 79 percent enrollment percentage for “Group D.”


Across the University 37,851 users had enrolled in 2FA as of April 26, registering a total of 54,639 devices or close to 1.5 devices per user in the process.

– submitted by Dace Freivalds, I-Tech

One thought on “Countdown to 2FA: 8 Days!

  1. jdw5170

    In other news, there are 27 Blackberry users on campus that need an intervention.

    I kid! If it works for them, that’s all that matters.

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