iPhone app analyzes speaking

by Ryan Johnson, I-Techscreen capture of iPhone app Ummo start screen

A new iPhone app called Ummo will help you analyze everything you say and prepare for presentations or just improve your everyday communication. The app is only currently available for iPhone.

Note: the app costs 1.99 to download from the iTunes store.

To start, tap the mic in Ummo then practice your presentation. Ummo listens to you and will send a small audio alert when you use filler phrases like “uh, um, like, you know,” and others.

When you’re done, Ummo dishes out a lot of different stats to help you analyze your speech, including your words per minute pace, the overall clarity, how many words you’re using, and where screen capture of iPhone app Ummo settings screenyou’re pausing.

You can create your own list of filler words too, which is helpful if you know that you have a particular phrase you use that’s not that common.

This app will not help much with your anxiety of public speaking, but it could help you improve your pacing and make you aware of filler words you may be using.