Access Services recognizes employees

horizontal group photo portrait of 34 people standing in Pattee Library's Franklin Atrium

Access Services, seen here in the Franklin Atrium, Pattee Library, held its annual award luncheon on May 10.

Access Services held its Annual Service Awards and Luncheon on May 10.

Staff recognized for reaching library service milestones include:
25 years: Barbara Coopey and Verne Neff
20 Years: Shane Burris
5 Years: Katherine Crissy, Alissa Mann, and Tracie WickershamNew staff members Douglas Burchill, Carmen Gass, Rachel White, Ethan Eissenstat, Nicole Schwindenhammer, and Nichole Corrigan were welcomed to Access Services.
Joseph Salem, Associate Dean for Learning, Undergraduate Services and Commonwealth Campuses, was the guest speaker.
– submitted by Barbara Coopey