USTEAC Library Professional Development

The User Services Training Employee Advisory Council (USTEAC) would like to recommend a series of training videos for overall Library Professional Development (LPD). The training videos selected cover topics applicable to all employees regardless of position or location.

We encourage you to view the highlighted video or module and use what you learn! While content is accessible to Penn State employees at any time, we suggest viewing each week’s short highlighted video with the option to continue with the full week’s module. Please note that closed captioning is provided for all training videos.

Please contact our group, UL-USTEAC@LISTS.PSU.EDU, with training inquiries or suggestions.

Logisitical info

  • If you are unfamiliar with and how to login, please visit:
  • The process that imports usage into the Learning Resource Network is currently only able to transfer course completion data. If you need your transcript to show that you have completed training in the Learning Resource Network, you will need to complete the associated course in and wait for the overnight process for the data to transfer.

Week 1
Innovative Customer Service Techniques
Regardless of where you work, you have either internal or external customers. This week we would like to highlight the video: Improving your powers of observation

As you have time, view the remainder of this course and learn how you can “think outside the box” when it comes to great customer service.

Week 2
Business Etiquette: Phone, Email, and Text
The fact that so much of our communication is done via phone, email, or text should make this class very useful!  We would like to highlight the video: Understanding when and what to say during a phone call. As you have time, view the remainder of this course and learn “how to strike the right tone in emails, text messages, and phone calls.”

Week 3
Working with Upset Customers
Think of the last time you were really upset at a business establishment. What were your expectations? The module: Serving Angry Customers equips you for this very situation. As you have time, view the remainder of this course and learn “techniques for neutralizing angry customer behavior.”

Week 4
Customer Service Over the Phone
What should you do when helping someone over the phone? The video entitled: Develop the perfect phone greeting provides helpful tips for providing great customer service over the phone. As you have time, view the remainder of this course and learn how to exceed customers’ expectations over the phone.

Week 5
Connecting with Peers in the Workplace
“Great communication means connecting, not just getting your point across.” In this short course, coach Todd Dewett outlines helpful techniques for forging those important connections that make it easier to come to work every day. We encourage you to invest 25 minutes and view this informative class.

Week 6
Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence
“Being able to work across cultures is an increasingly necessary skill for all employees.” The video entitled: Time is a great introduction to this informative class. As you have time, view the remainder of this course and learn how to respond effectively to everyone.

Week 7
Managing Diversity
“What does it mean to manage diversity? What does an inclusive work environment look like?” We encourage you to invest 37 minutes and view this informative class.

Week 8
Customer Service Fundamentals
There is much to be said about customer service and this class says it well. Refresh your perspective with: Defining Outstanding Customer Service. As you have time view the remainder of this course and learn how to make your customers feel valued.

Week 9
Information Literacy
View this video and further explore: What is information literacy? As you have time view the remainder of this course and increase your understanding of information literacy.

Week 10
Critical Thinking
What are the benefits of critical thinking? The video entitled: Use new lenses to think critically will introduce you to this concept. As you have time view the remainder of this course and learn how to further develop your critical thinking skills.

Week 11
The Manager’s Guide to Managing Customer Expectations
“Customer service managers may not be on the front lines, but they can create systems and processes that help ensure that the organization’s service promises match what it actually delivers.” The video entitled: Understand the impact of unpleasant surprises is a great way to start this 26-minute class.

One thought on “USTEAC Library Professional Development

  1. Pingback: USTEAC announces Library Professional Development series | Library News

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