Penn State Hydra code sprint advances initiatives

image of group of developers who worked on Hydra coding project in fall 2016

The week of Sept. 19-23, a group of 16 developers from eight institutions gathered in State College to work on three initiatives with the goal to provide desired functionality back to the Hydra community. Dan Coughlin (Penn State) facilitated the event. The group split into three teams to work on:

  1. Workflow
  2. Fedora Import/Export
  3. Admin Dashboard

Team Accomplishments:

The workflow team extracted the database-backed workflow implementation from Notre Dame’s Sipity application into CurationConcerns, using Princeton’s Plum workflow as an initial target for modeling multiple configurable workflows. Once completed, this work will enable workflows that will support mediated deposit approval workflows, digitization & metadata augmentation/review workflows, and takedown/revocation workflows. There are tickets for the remaining work in the CurationConcerns github repository, and there is a call being set up next week between some of the folks from the workflow team and the team that is working on the community sprint focused on mediated deposit. More about the work can be found in the workflow branch of CurationConcerns Members of this team were Justin Coyne (Stanford), Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame), Kyle Lawhorn (Cincinnati), and Michael Tribone (Penn State).

Fedora Import/Export
The import/export team started working on a BagIt implementation design including Bag Profile support for APTrust and MetaArchive. Their work included reviewing and updating documentation, and squashing bugs related to importing Fedora resources from the filesystem to prepare for an initial round of stakeholder feedback. The team finalized the tickets assigned to Phase 1 for import/export — more on the requirements and phases for this work: In December, some members of this team will begin Phase 2 of the sprint. There will be stakeholder calls in October and November to finalize the BagIt implementation design. In addition to work at the Fedora layer, support was added to CurationConcerns for running the Fedora import/export utility so that the tool can be called from the user interface. Members of this team were Esmé Cowles (Princeton), Karen Estlund (Penn State), Nick Ruest (York), Jon Stroop (Princeton), Andrew Woods (DuraSpace), and Adam Wead (Penn State).

Admin Dashboard
The administrative dashboard team added a configurable, extensible admin dashboard to CurationConcerns. The dashboard design allows flexible control over what appears in the dashboard menu, and in what order, in addition to what views are rendered and what data sources are used. The current implementation of the dashboard includes a pie chart widget displaying information about visibility of deposited works and also about embargoes and leases, allowing multiple levels of drill-down for more granular information. This early work has been merged into the master branch of CurationConcerns. To test how configurable and usable the new admin dashboard configuration is, the team started working on extending the CurationConcerns dashboard in Sufia and that currently sits in a branch. Remaining work has been ticketed using the ‘admin dashboard’ label in both CurationConcerns and Sufia. Members of this team were Carolyn Cole (Penn State), Mike Giarlo (Stanford), Trey Pendragon (Princeton), Lynette Rayle (Cornell), and Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati).

Additional thanks to Penn State’s Ben Goldman, Rob Olendorf, and Nigel McFarlane for their help for their help gathering requirements and planning during the week.

-submitted by Karen Estlund,